Tell Me About It

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Slight warning for violence, not a lot but its there

Izuku slammed the bathroom stall door and locked it quickly, holding his notebook tightly to his chest and panting hard. He wasn't sure if he'd ever run that fast before in his life, but he sure as hell never wanted to do it again. Izuku slumped onto the toilet seat, head back staring at the cream colored ceiling. It was covered in old dried toilet paper kids had thrown up there. The green looked down at his now singed notebook, why did all of his analysis books end up getting burnt up? And by the same person no less! He flipped carefully to the place where the pages labeled 'Katsuki Bakugo' should be. He sighed in mourning. He would have to rewrite all of his thoughts again...  

To be honest, Izuku didn't really know why he had written about Kacchan in his new book. He had seen some of the footage from the sludge incident and almost by habit began to analyze it. Izuku wasn't blind, he knew that was the same villain that had attacked him as well, the only difference being that All Might had been there to save him. Kacchan wasn't as lucky. It wasn't that Izuku had stopped admiring his childhood friend, the opposite actually, he found himself in awe at his ability to fight the villain while being in such a hopeless situation. A situation that he almost died to not even two hours prior. But the new notebook was for his new workouts, and for the known vigilantes. Not for pro hero's or childhood friends. But Izuku knew all too well that if he saw something worth analyzing and writing down, he went ahead and did it (which was probably the reason why he'd gotten in so much trouble when he was younger for pointing out his classmates 'weaknesses').

Izuku closed his book and placed it on his lap, slumping. He didn't even have time to really think about the fact that Katsuki had found out about his newfound interest in vigilantes, which worried Izuku to no end. What if he did become a vigilante? What if he really went through with it, followed through with his dumb fixation? His dear old pal Kacchan would probably put two and two together and go spreading it around that useless quirkless deku thought he could help people, try and be their hero. Izuku shivered, yeah, no. Bad mental image. 

The kid glanced away from his ashy book, skimming the vandalism on the stall walls absentmindedly. Oh crap. Izuku suddenly remembered why he was out in the hall in the first place, disrupting the class. He groaned and rubbed his face, he was never going to hear the end of it from his teacher. "Ahh god...I'm screwed."

"Tell me about it," a voice suddenly spoke from the stall next to him, causing Izuku to jump. "Oh, did I scare you? Sorry," the person apologized.

"Oh- no its okay, I don't recognize your voice. Are you in my year?" the voice huffed a laugh, and Izuku heard some shuffling from the other side.

"Nah, I don't go here, my dads here for an interview for his job and had to bring me with him." Izuku found that strange, wouldn't the person be in school right about now? Why were they here? Why did their dad have to bring them with him? Izuku decided against voicing his questions to this random person he just met. The two were quiet for a while, Izuku more awkwardly than he assumed the other. "So, why're you here? I assume you're not here for the normal bathroom activities." their voice sounded tired, and Izuku wondered if they had bags under their eyes like him.

"Oh, It's nothing serious! I was sent out of class and accidentally ditched the place my teacher told me to stay." Izuku decided not to get too into detail with the stranger. 

"Accidentally? How do you accidentally ditch class?" Izuku laughed gently, but didn't answer. The other didn't press him and let him pause the conversation there. No one but them was in the bathroom, Izuku assumed, because he's been in there for more than half of the class time. After a while, Izuku heard a frustrated groan from the stall next to him followed by the person's voice. "I've been trying to get onto my games but the wifi sucks so badly here! The only game I've had any luck with is Candycrush." the person grumbles. 

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