Hero Material

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Hitoshi barely had enough time to dodge the robot. A robot for goodness sakes! His quirk would have no affect here! He glared at the Two Pointer as it stared at him, it looked like a scorpion, only if scorpions were ten times the size and ten times harder to kill. Hitoshi glanced to his surroundings quickly, looking for a weapon. Some scrap metal, or maybe something sharp? 

The thing shuddered and lunged its tail forward, scraping Hitoshi's arm. "ARH- you dumb robot!" he tried provoking it before remembering again that his quirk wouldn't work. He gripped his arm and silently hoped that U.A. had a good school nurse. Something caught his eye, something glinting to his left. A metal pole, just about the size of his forearm, it twinkled off of a bright light. Hitoshi didn't bother looking around more, one end of the pole was sharper than the other and Hitoshi guessed it was probably because it was broken off at a weird angle. He glanced back at the 2P, it was shuddering again and getting ready to lunch at him, he was cornered.

As soon as it moved, Hitoshi rolled, causing the robot's 'tail' to crash into the wall. It pulled back, but it seemed to be stuck and Hitoshi wasted no time in grabbing the pole and jumping onto the robot. He slammed the sharp side hard into the red eye parts, it went limp after a few good stabs. Hitoshi punctured all three eyes multiple times for good measure, and, just to make sure it was down, he stabbed the ones on the tail too. He also gave it a kick, stupid robot. 

Satisfied, he went to look for any more available robots, so far all he had was two points. Hitoshi grimaced when he saw the other kids already on their fourth or fifth bot. "U.A. sure does favor physical quirks, huh?" he shouted to the air, he knew the examiners were watching, but that didn't hinder his confidence. Hitoshi ignored the weird glances he got from the other students. Who do they think they are, really? Was this exam really an accurate judge of peoples hero capabilities? What about the people like him, with non-combat quirks? He gripped the pole harder, his knuckles turning white before setting off to find his next robot.


Shota shifted from where he sat, a few of the other teachers and Principal Nezu were sat beside him, all watching the feed of the hero course's exam. There were a lot of students with flashy quirks, that was for sure, some literally being flashy and- did that kid just wink at the camera? Nezu stifled a laugh in his paw and Ectoplasm coughed away his smile. Shota shook his head before continuing to watch the students rack up points. There were a lot of promising candidates for the hero course this year, Shota decided. Quirk wise, that is.

 "U.A. sure does favor physical quirks, huh?!" a student yelled from the screen, which caught the room's attention. A kid with wild purple hair, holding a sharpened pole and a bleeding arm was the owner of the voice. Nezu blinked and his whispered moved with the movement. He sure is brave, Shota thought.

 It was true, from any outsider's perspective the exam could seem to favor combat and physical quirks. But it was on purpose, by design. In real villain attack you wouldn't always be able to use your non-combat quirk, or even know if it would work on said villain. If someone had the quirk to, say, make someone fall asleep by touching their skin, was stuck in an attack the villain could have some sort of resistance to that quirk. Like metal skin.

The robots were supposed to simulate this, any physical quirk would have an easy time with an armor quirk, simply by powering their way through. But a passive quirk like sleep touch wouldn't be very helpful in that situation, so the said hero would need to use their own smarts and ability to apprehend the villain, and not just their quirk. That being said, Shota was impressed (although just a bit) at the kids confidence on calling out U.A., especially since they're seen as the number one hero school in Japan. The kid had confidence, —wether that was a good or bad thing Shota couldn't tell you— if he got enough points Shota was sure he would get into class 1A or 2B. Though if he's always this outspoken, I kind of hope he gets into 2B so Sekijiro can deal with him. Shota thought.

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