09/03/21 1:22PM

29 1 0

I wonder, does he hold your face up when the rain drops shadow the grass? (Playing hopelessly to your own laughter?)

Or does he push your hair behind your ears when you smile too hard? (the way I so desperately want to?)

Does he hold you, the way, you know, that "I promise I'm right here." hold? (Does he?)

Does he take your hand and dance to whatever music is playing just because he knows you'd rock out with your feet to anything? (Even if he's.. Not good?)

Or does he count each freckle on your face and align them with his favorite constellations the way I fantasize? (Or is that too much? Too little?)

Does he tell you enough that no matter what, he's proud of you? Every single day? Or not at all? (I would.)

Does he love you the way you want to be loved or am I too little to ever amount to him?

(I do wonder.)

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