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Ruth literally boiled in anger as she paced the room, up and down like a raving lunatic

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Ruth literally boiled in anger as she paced the room, up and down like a raving lunatic.

Her fist clenched and unclenched multiple times as smoke emitted her nostrils. All over, her body was hot and she was sure to drop down at any moment if she didn't set her murderous eyes on that roommate of hers.

"Ruth you skipped dinner." Melissa sauntered into the room with Fiona behind her as she was startled by the presence of Ruth.

The latter, was the type that never skipped dinner, even when most percentage of the students complained about the food that they were served.

Ruth was irritated at such a foolish statement. "Obviously," She muttered audibly as she simultaneously rolled her eyes.

"You must be a lonely brat, right now. Victory isn't back from her so called photo shoot trip. And it doesn't seem as though she would return anytime soon." Melissa stated as she chuckled wickedly and plopped down on her bed.

She had borrowed another book from the library on her way to the hostel. But this time around, it wasn't an erotic book. It was horror and the cover alone had given her the bizarre vibes.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Ruth battered her lashes and fired at Melissa who had began stripping herself, off her peach daywear.

"You think we are dumb?" Melissa chuckled as she referred to both she and Fiona who was already settled on her bed, attempting some Mathematics questions she found disconcerting.

"Ever since that stupid, shameless and silly girl got admitted, Ruth you dared to do away with us." Melissa sighed. "What do you even take us for? What is our worth to you?"

Ruth eyed her thoroughly and hissed. This was not even the person she was waiting to pounce on. And there was no way she was going to waste her saliva on soemone like Melissa.

It didn't take fifteen minutes for Faith to barge into the room, all sweaty. She was about to slump on her bed and rest for some time before it would be time for prep but the firm hands of Ruth, drew her back with such a force that she almost got her ankle sprained.

Faith turned to behold who the culprit was but a palm kissed her face.

"Are..." Yet another hot slap collided with her cheek that was yet recover from the initial attack.

"What is it that I am hearing? How could you be so callous that you would dare take what's mine from me? How much more insensitive can you be?" Ruth flared up.

"You're an ingrate. In fact, if ingrate could be a person, then it's you standing here like a disgusting pig." She continued hurling insults on a perplexed Faith whoses eyes almost fell off its sockets.

What was going on?

"Don't be you dare be mad by calling me a disgusting pig." Something instigated Faith to speak back. "I'm nothing like you... and please, whatever I have had always been mine." She pulled off her hand forcefully from yhe grip of her prey.

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