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Sirius sat bored on his bed. He flipped through today's Daily Prophet with disinterest, even if he didn't read the articles at all. He was lost in thought. The Yule ball was announced last night and Sirius had thought about nothing else since then. He knew who he would most like to invite, but unfortunately everything between the two of them was strange since it happend. When Sirius (really with no bad intentions), of all people, had revealed where Remus was going every month to Snape, they had argued. They had made up a little less than a week ago. That didn't mean that everything was the same as before, let alone that they were together again. It knocked Sirius down, and now he couldn't stop thinking whether it would be a mistake to ask Remus to come to the ball. He didn't know if Remus had any feelings for him at all, and even if he did, if he would dance with him in front of everyone else.

The door opened and with a long sigh, James stumbled inside. He threw himself on his bed and sighed again, louder this time.

"What's up?" Sirius asked absently and put the Daily Prophet aside.

"I wanted to ask Lily about the ball."

"nothing new, next?"

James raised his head and gave his best friend a sad look.

"I couldn't get a word out. It was really uncomfortable." he whispered. "and she just walked away. Was annoyed."

Sirius had to try hard not to start laughing.

"I'm sorry Prongs."

"you're grinning." He sat up and had to grin at the sight of Sirius who tried to suppress his laughter. He sat cross-legged and leaned forward slightly.

"What about you? Are you going to ask Remus?"
"I'm not sure. I don't know if he would say yes."

James shook his head in disbelief.

"Come on, are you serious? Remus already has a crush on you since third grade, do you really think he'd give you a beating?"

"And if he already has someone? And anyway, after everything that has happened who knows if he still has feelings for me at all."

James rolled his eyes. "I don't understand why you don't just talk about what's going on between you now."

"You know what? I'll talk to Remus when Lily goes out with you." With that he slipped off the bed and headed for the exit.

"Then you better think about what to say to him, because it won't take long!" James called after him.

The halls were all already empty when Sirius walked to his next class, charms, which he would have with lily, Remus and Marlene.
He was a bit stressed about sitting in his usual seat, next to remus since everytime they talked it ended up beeing super akward.

The others were already waiting in front of the classroom, chatting and laughing.
Sirius walked right over to his Friends.

"Hey." Remus gave him a brief smile and a tinglish feeling appeard in Sirius's guts.

"Hi." it was akward again, just with one word. Sirius hated it. He just wanted anything to go back to normal.

"So...what class did you have before?" He hated himself for that. Why would he ask Remus such a wierd question? he wasn't talking to a stranger. This was Remus, his Remus. They'd known eachother for so long now, shared beds since first year, had seen eachother in their darkest times and still loved and cared for eachother so deeply, why couldn't they have a normal conversation now?

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