25 part 1

366 12 4

Lily was furious. she was rushing through the Castel, her books long forgotten in the library, something Remus would yell at her for doing. Even the little first years in the halls, who normally loved her and would always come to her if they had a probleme, were fleeing now.

She was running up to the Gryffindor common room, her heart was beating so fast, she thought it might just explode with anger.
She'd never think she could be so mad about this but here she was, ready to beat anyone up. Not really anyone though, she was mad at marlene. Her best friend, the one person, she thought she could trust.
Lily had thought marlene knew how much she liked james, and still...

She practically yelled the password at the fat lady who didn't even bother to ask what was going on.
Marlene was sitting by the fire, flipping through a muggle magazine.

"Hey!" she almost jumped out of her seat when she saw lily.

"Hi? what's up?"

"don't play innocent now. You know exactly what's up." marlene still looked at her confused and it made Lily even more mad.

"Severus told me! Really Marlene? James?! of all people?!"

Marlene raised an eyebrow.

"and what exactly did snape tell you I did with James?"

Lily scoffed.

"really? you're playing dumb now? Fine, but it won't help the fact that I know you snogged him."

"what?!" The accuse was so crazy, Marlene couldn't help but laugh.

"Me? snogging James potter? you're crazy Lily."

"and why is that?"

"I'm gay, did you forget that?!" Marlene started to get mad too. She had told lily years ago, that she wasn't interest in dating boys, and Lily had accepted and supported her.

"Oh yeah, maybe you just lied about that! Makes perfect sense to me! You were jelous, that James liked me more then you! You wanted attention and that's it!" She didn't know how to respond to that. Honestly, it really hurt to hear that, especially from Lily.

"I'm going to bed, I can't see you right now, good night."

The next morning, Marlene knew exactly who she could talk to about this.
So, after breakfast she went right back to the common room where she, like expected, found her best friend Sirius, snogging his boyfriend.

They didn't even hear her coming in, and Marlene couldn't help but shake her head about how bad they were at hiding their relationship.

"Sirius!" they broke apart immediately and looked at Marlene, with fear in their eyes.

"Oh, its just you" Sirius let out a sigh.

"What do you want Marls? I'm clearly busy."

She sat down across from her two friends.

"it's about Lily."

"Can't that wait?" Sirius rolled his eyes "We only have this one hour."

"No it can not."

"Oh my god." Sirius led go off Remus and sat up straight.

"I'll listen Marlene." Remus smiled at her and it surprised Marlene that he of all people was beeing so nice.

"we fought yesterday. Apparently snape told her I made out with James, so she yelled at me. I reminded her that I'm a lesbian, so I wouldn't snog James, but she just-" Marlene paused and looked at the floor. She realized how hard it was to talk about this, and how sad it really made her.

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