Chapter 5 | Soft touch

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All dolled up with heavy makeup to hide my red eyes and messed up face I sit there looking like a bride, infront of the groom whose face shows no emotions but I can tell he is killing me his mind in many different ways or maybe he already murdered Zaina, I wouldn't be shocked if he did.

My heart is terribly shaking at the thought getting married, I feel like I am entering a hell, it's difficult for me And I know that. I am not like other kids who playfully slaps their husband and laugh, I freaking can't stand infront of a guy, hell, I can't even make an eye contact for more 5 seconds or else goosebumps rushes through my body!! I am not freaking joking!! Well, I can't yell this out loud I am coward in telling out such things.

Gosh, I again repeat I hate my freaking sister!!

I squeeze my fingers out of nervousness twisting them from left to right and my heart literally jumps out of my chest when I hear the Qazi's voice.

Allah, are you really doing this to me? I know I need to get married one day, but like this? Why? This is not fair! I did not even prepare a decent signature! Don't do this to me!

Please send your angels to take me away from this cruel world...I am scared.

Let me tell you something talking to Allah is like the bestest thing you can ever discover. Just sit in your place or in the prayer mat and just talk to him tell him what you feel. Like if you want to say how stupid and irritating your sibling is or how hard you worked and then got nothing or how your mother is being overdramatic and partial or just anything and I promise you, you will feel so less weighted and happy that finally it came out your chest and I am telling you, if you pour all your heart you can literally feel him telling him 'it's okay darling', I am not lying or making up stories, it is freaking true. Even if you are way to happy and just want to scream to the world and tell gosh I am so happy but then you think they will roll their eyes and tell she is such a drama then you've got Allah their who will smile back at you if you talk him and will say 'go on girl, do more great things and be happy'.

With my eyes closed shut I sit there quietly to not cry while mentally praying that I should die this instant, I do not have any sense of my surroundings until I hear a stern 'yes' when the kaazi asked if he is willing to marry me. The names in the Nikkah naama has changed, and about the invitation it is rule in our family to not put the brides name but just the family name or Ahmad's daughter weds Ayaan Yusuf Khan.

It is printed as that but by now almost all close relative must be aware of the drama my lovely sis created.

My hands tremble and my whole body shakes when they walk towards me with those papers to sign.

My dad asks in a low week voice if I accept this marriage and I let out 'yes' in a whisper which was not even audible to me, he hands me the pen and I don't know what to do.

"Sign here sweetheart" he holds my hand when he sees how hard it's trembling. I hold the pen tight but I forgot how to sign, I can't even remember my name.

A sob leaves my lips and abbu quickly hugs me, I dig my face in his torso but try to calm myself, but soon ammi rubs my back trying her best to calm me and so I do.

I take a deep breath before mentally fighting on choosing which sign I should use—the cursive one which I tried for 10th board was liked by everyone, let's use that, I gulp before pressing the pen on the paper and scribbling my sign and immediately a curse leaves my lips when I see the ugliest sign ever beside a beautifully amazingly professional sign below mine. I have many things to worry about now but still I am worrying about a damn sign. God he for sure will think I am an uneducated fellow just by taking a glance at my 3rd class writing.

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