Chapter 23 | Pain

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"Hmm tell me now why are you sulking with that grumpy face?" He starts, looking down at me, no words coming out of my mouth, I can't even hear him I feel deaf? Dumb? Vocal cord has discorded.

Everything is happening cause this position is not good! It's unhealthy for my heart! Abbu is already admitted I don't want to end up in that pale bed too!

When he sees my stiff body looking all freeze a chuckle leaves his lips at my pathetic state, can't even manage some closeness! How are you going to manage the rest of your life with him?!

"Kinza relax...calm down I am not going to eat you" I keep my lips pressed tight not letting a single word out, my hands are still fisted tight.

"God this girl...your opposite when you're asleep you don't know that" he mumbles under his breath but few words reached my ears and before I could understand what he said he speaks "You relax your body now or I am doing it" I lift my eyeball up to look at him who is having a serious face.

"Come on...or do you want me to?" I shake my head but press my fists against my chest and he rolls his eyes at my scaredy self.

"How are you going to calm me" I finally speak and when he leans down towards my face, I literally see Angels walking towards me to take my soul away.

"I am not going to do anything, we are just going to talk. Hm?" His thumb gently caressing my cheek to calm me "I feel giddy giddy" I tell him truthfully only to hear him chuckling.

"You won't feel giddy giddy once you calm your self down" dude how are you asking me to calm while staying this close to me?! How am I going to calm if we stay in this position with your face only mere apart and your body pressed against mine! That's impossible! This is injustice! How can he ask me to calm when he is literally all over me?!

"How to calm?" I make a fool of myself and he giggles cutely enjoying my dying state. "Okay I'll leave you now but remember If I ask you a question I expect an answer from you, hm? If you don't reply I am going to suffocate you like this did you get that?" I quickly nod so he could leave and stop his torture.

Ayaan ايان

I stop myself from laughing out at Kinza's cute scared face which one day will be the death of me. She does not move a single muscle and when I question her she becomes all subby and that literally flips my heart when she nods quickly to whatever I say.

I force myself to not think about those pretty lips which is just few inches away from mine. I so want to taste them and feel them against mine, but I control myself doing anything which will make her feel uncomfortable. I force myself to only look at her beautiful orbs and not those tempting pairs.

Not able to handle the fast heart when she looks like she is going to faint. I bend forward to pull the sheets away from us so she can do what she is waiting to do from a long time.

And like I thought without another thought she rolls her body to the other side not at all bothering about the fact that she will slip and fall.

"Carefull...." A loud 'Ammi!' Leaves her lips and My words trails off when I see her wincing in pain already giving a hug to the ground. I shut my eyes close when groan leaves her lips by the sudden pain she must be feeling after the hard kiss the ground gave her.

I sit up but do not rush to go check her because I know she is going to blush and become all shy if I help her in her embarrassing state.

"I-I am fine" she stands up with a painful smile and dusts her back and quickly sits on the bed but winces when her body bends. And that wince tells me she is not fine.

Her smile His favourite sight ✔️Where stories live. Discover now