Chapter 16 | Moment

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2 days later
Kinza كنزا
10:30 pm

"So this place is mine and that place is yours. Did you get that" I look over my shoulder with my finger pointing towards our closet which I finally took time and parted into two.

He boringly nods while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and eyes engulfed in his phone. Will he slap me if I snatch his phone and tell him to listen? The way he is in love with his it does look like I will get a nice print on my face. But I am getting pissed here when he is not listening to me!!

I walk towards him and tip toe myself to see whom he is cheating me on with. "Is she your girlfriend?" I squint my eyes, my face clearly tells that I don't trust him.

He raises his chin up with an annoyed look but ignores my question. "I am talking to you Mister husband" I glare at this guy not at all liking the fact that he is ignoring my like I am a piece of wasted nuggets.

"What do you want? Finish explaining? Can I go now?" He boringly look over my shoulder to see his clothes on the other side and mine on the other side parted correctly like two countries.

I press my lips together at his rudeness "jerk" I mumble and take a step back but he raises his eyebrow "Excuse me, don't you think you use that word alot?" Like takes daring, predator steps forward and I quickly stumble a step back, but I do not let my shyness take over my anger "I do...because you are a jerk" I boldly speak but my heart thumping like crazy against my chest when I see his sharp looks galring the hell out of my soul as if telling my soul to leave my body or else he would be glad to do the honours.

"What did you say?" His tone too low and purposely dominating as if giving me a warning to change my words but I do not know where this confidence came I quickly look over my shoulder to see the closet door wide open so I hold my night pyjamas up.

"You did not hear? Okay then I repeat...You are a rude jerk! A very rude one!! Aaahhh" When he move to grab me I scream on top of my lungs as I run while holding my pyjamas up so I do not trip and fall and break lovely face, I  escape from his hold when he tries to trap me in his arms.

I run out and jump on the bed not caring if I break it with my weight but stand in middle of the bed fully in a defensive position to protect myself poor self he attacks me but couldn't help myself from grinning after annoying my rude yet sweet husband.

He walks out of the closet with an obvious smile which he cannot hide but I only laugh looking at his face and when I thought he gave up I see him rushing towards me, my body reacts on its own and I scream on top of my lungs as if like I have seen a snake or a ghost.

"Leave me!!" I yell between my laughter when he holds my wrist and grabs me, my heart is going crazy at this sudden enjoyment "I am innocent!!" I yell when he throws me on the bed "I know you are sweetheart" he laughs and traps my arm against the bed, hovering over me I would have fought but his laughter had me stilling, he looks so beautiful when he laughs, goodness.

"What where you saying can you repeat?" I giggle but nod with rush of excitement and fear taking over my heart "I said you are my sweetest caring husband, Who is not at all a rude jerk" he laughs again after hearing me changing my sentence out of fear "I don't think you said that" he raises his eyebrow still above me. Both forgetting the position we are in but enjoying the moment we are living in.

"What else will I say that you are a jerk? No No No  I can't say that to my lovely husband" I shake my head innocently and he chuckles at that "gosh what are you? I have never seen someone like you" he speaks with a smile and I grin at this statement which I take it as a compliment "Neither did I, I am unique piece I know that" I wink at him and his eyes which looks nothing like it looks when he is around many people stares into mine.

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