Chapter 14 | Parents

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"Look forward and walk sweetheart" he whispers with a smile which was more like a small smirk. I gulp my saliva but look forward to see a glass wall which was just few inches apart. Who builds wall in a freaking glass?! Sometimes I do not understand this rich people.

This is the reason why you should not sleep in the class kinza!! How can you forget the rule 'look forward and walk'. My teacher is gonna be so disappointed in me. But for now my heart is getting upset.

My heart is shaking up and trembling at our closeness—freaking hell! I am so close to fainting.

I will collapse, I am telling you I will collapse.

I press my lips together feeling suffocated so I stumble few steps forcing myself to stay in a distance—just to save my weak heart.

"I—the car is waiting" with difficulty in breathing I rush away towards the car, quickly opening it I sit in the far corner pressing myself against the door.

I do not even greet the older man, I rub my palms together and I squeeze them. Grinning like an idiot to myself.

I swear I regret not being a perfect muslim and not wearing a niqaab. Only if I wore niqaab the grins and mouth hanging and frequent drooling over my husband wouldn't be in display.

When the door opens. The manly aroma hits my sensitive mind and skin But I act like I am not at all affected by looking at the dark sky.

It's already dark what time is it now?

I rest my head on the headrest while thinking if I should share my thoughts about going and seeing Ammi and Abbu or not. I feel like he wouldn't like the idea of visiting them after what happened.

Should I or shouldn't I??

I chew my inner cheek as I play with my fingers nervously I turn to look at him.

When I see him engulfed in his phone, I knock the seat to grab his attention and that's when he raises his chin and asks with his eyebrows what is it?

"I—umm can I" I clear my throat so I do not talk like I was born yesterday. He locks his phone and gives his full attention to me "Can I-we—Can we go to my house now...I miss ammi abbu I want to talk to them and I also have things which I need to take—I will only take five minutes can you please take me?" I nibble my lower lips but see his eyes softening "Uncle take the U-turn towards gardener's road, I'll send you a location please take us there now" he speaks to the old man who replies with an yes sir.

"If you want to meet them or if you miss them just mesg me once or just give me a call and our driver will drop you okay? You don't need to justify and ask like that hmm?" I nod feeling happy after hearing him, so there wouldn't be any curfew or any facial expression changes if I go to my ammi's house! That's great.

He nods and rests his head on the headboard of the seat as he looks out of the window. I wonder what he is thinking now, I feel like he is having many things going in his small head, judging by looking at the frown and jaw which is clenching and relaxing.

I hope he is not cursing my parents for tying him up with me. I just hope because if angels telepathy me that he is cursing on them, I'll open the dictionary and curse on him in front of him for bad mouthing my parents.

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