Chapter 28 | Overwhelmed

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2 days later

I rub my eyes while lazily dragging my not so energetic body with me towards the car where my jerk husband is sitting all ready with that suit and me I am wearing my yesterday night suit inside my Abaya too lazy to change.

I open the door and hop in with an obvious loud whine telling him that I don't want to go to college but he my husband in the face of father will only ignore my whine so I keep quiet with a grumpy face.

Disadvantages of marrying a topper.

"Tell my number" I turn my head to look at him when I hear his voice "your number?" He nods with his eyes on the road. I pull my phone out to say his number probably he forgot and he wants to recall it, sometimes toppers can also forget things.

"743—" he stops me with a sigh and I look at him confused "without looking at it kinza" huh? Without looking at it?

"I don't know I did not learn your number" I don't even know what my number is he except me to remember his number.

"Then learn it now I'll be asking in 5 minutes" I blink my eyes is he serious I am half way to dozing off and he wants me to do studies here.

"What if I again forget on picking you because this is not something I am used to and if I even get a minute late I expect you to call me" I nod at that and I am already planning on ringing him non stop if he gets even a second late.

"But I have your number in this phone why do I need to remember it" I logically speaks and he does not miss a second to hurt my feelings "I don't trust you, you are clumsy as hell and I won't be surprised if you loose your phone while talking to your friends" just when he completed his sentence a hard punch land on his arm by one and only me.

"Okay then I also don't trust you! You are clumsy as hell too So tell my number! Come on" I going to pic a fight now, just give the glows I am on the ring.

A sigh escapes her lips "In five minutes we will be in your college kinza stop arguing and do as I say"

"Jerk" I mumble before resting my head on the seat and memorising this easy number.

"743 8290–umm 8290...132?" I nibble on my lower-lip but see him rolling his eyes, his number is not easy at all!!! I am learning this freaking 10 number from the last 5 minutes and still stuttering and I can tell from that Eye roll that I again mixed the numbers. The first time I said it right and I was so happy that I've learnt so fast but after a little that I think he purposely made and then he asked me to again repeat his mind went blank the first number 7 was only in my mind.

He taps his finger on the steering wheel waiting for me to memorise this shit and take a leave. And because of this peer pressure I am not even able to fix 10 numbers in my mind.

He takes a look at his wrist watch and finally opens his mouth "Go now, your classes will start in few and keep your phone with you"  he orders me and I look so disappointed on myself that I feel like killing myself with a fake knife. Why do I always prove him that I am dumb?!

"What do you think of yourself?! You bought this phone I know that so what? you're going to order me and make me feel like I depend on you! When I was 18 abbu bought me a phone and till the day of your marriage I was keeping it safely until your dad thought to smash it like a potato so stop freaking ordering me like a jerk you are!" I open the door and quickly walk away before he could say anything.

What does he think of himself?

Wait—what do I think of myself? Why did I even overreact just now? He said me to not loose the phone just because I should not wait if he forgets to pick me, he showed his care and what did I do? Yelled at him just because I was dumb and ashamed that I couldn't remember 10 number! Freaking hell!

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