Chapter 39 | I love you

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Ayaan ايان
2 days Later

"No! This can't happen!!" My over dramatic wife cries with her cheeks pressed against the glass wall where we can clearly see how heavily it's pouring. She slides down and sits on the ground while fake crying.

"Rain! Please stop raining I want to go out!" She whines and literally throws her legs up and down throwing tantrums like a kid and talking to the Rain as if it will hear her.

I ignore her and sip the hot coffee which I just ordered while browsing through my phone checking out which mall is the best so she could do some shopping.

I can hear fake cries in the background, gosh she is such a dramatic soul. "Rain Rain go away, come again another day, this little soul wants to play, Rain Rain go away" she palms the glass wall and looks at the sky while singing sorrowfully.

"Ayaan!" When she calls for me in the most heart broken voice I look over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow asking for her to continue.

"Stop the rain! I want to go out!" She looks at me with those puppy eyes and when I do not reply she lazily crawls towards me and sits right near my legs and bangs her forehead on my knee.

I roll my eyes but take a hold of her hand "come sit here, the floor is cold" I pull her up and without protesting she lazily flops beside me.

I lock my phone, and after putting it down I take her cold hand in mine to give her some warmth, since it's surprisingly too cold.

"Here have some" forwarding my cup, I offer her some drink which she eagerly accepts. Blowing onto it she hesitantly but carefully sips a very little amount to not burn her tongue.

"I want to go out. We did not come here to stay in the room!" I thought coffee distracted her but no how can this girl forget about roaming. She again starts whining and I hum in response.

"Where do you want to go?" She blinks her eyes at this difficult question, because I know she has many things in mind "Umm there is a famous waterfall here or maybe beach? Or the park—" like the dumb girl she is she tells all the impossible location where we won't be able to go in such heavy rainy day.

"Paris is famous for shopping? So why not go do some shopping in a mall and then have lunch in a restaurant?" Her eyes widens at this bright idea and shines in happiness "Oh my god I forgot about shopping! Wait—take me to this mall I have saved in my phone...let me bring my phone" she clumsy handles me back my coffee and rushes towards the room.

A very enthusiastic girl, I have here.

Later that Night

"You are not going to laugh promise me first and then I will wear it" that was enough to make me giggle "see I said you! I an not going to wear it!" She hides the silky cloth behind her back and glares at me cutely.

"I promise I won't laugh! No go wear it I am already imagining you in that dress" I pat her thigh asking her to get up from the bed and go wear the lingerie she bought after making me confused as hell by blushing all of a sudden and jumping from here to there as if she got natures call.

And when I asked her what's wrong with her, she contemplated for five minutes and started getting shy for more than 10 minutes and then asked in very appropriate words that she wants to wear a short cute dress only if I allow her and asked me If I can buy it.

At first I thought she wants to wear some western type cloth but when my fell on what she was pointing, blood rushed up and down making me  feel like a blushing material in the middle of a shop which is actually a lingerie shop.

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