Chapter 26 | Shyness overloaded

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Loud laughter of three human has filled the room. They look all happy as they tell about some funny incidents and one has to be mine and how I am particular about work.

And that was enough for kinza to speak and she is not thinking her mouth any time soon.

"I know he is hard working! We've got married only few weeks ago but Sir-I need to tell how damn passionate he is with work. Sometimes I feel like I am not the one who is his wife but—" she turns her head towards me controlling a burst of laughter in her mouth an soon when Mr. Alam breaks into a fists of laughter she throws her arms around me and laughs like a mad woman and lets not talk about Ryaan—I know you are already Imagining him rolling down on the floor.

I feel like I am sitting in a parent's teacher's meeting, where they are talking about me and that's what they are doing "No No that's wrong—you just married Ayaan spend time with her enjoy your marriage life, plan a honeymoon trip and take her there" I nod but look at kinza who is going red at this shy topic, since she was having so much fun from the past 10 minutes talking about my passion and fashion—yup she thinks I act like a cool jerk and what not she was literally making me turn red from the past 10 minutes, since she enjoyed bullying me, let's bully her too.

"Yeah I will, I was thinking of taking her to a very cool place. But I think we should ask her right?" This is not Ayaan—-this is someone else Ayaan would never talk about such cringe topics infront of everyone. When I see the old man nodding his head all interested in someone else honeymoon trip I turn to look at my tomato.

"Where do you want to go sweetheart? For our 'honeymoon'" she presses her lips together looking at me with wide eyes but I look at her as if this was normal.

I am ignoring the excited face behind kinza who is gawking his eyes at us.

"Hmm?" I place my hand on her thigh and that was enough to throw her back from her extrovert character to an introvert world.

She looks down trying her best to not grin at this topic but soon the old man interrupts because his recent favourite girl is under pressure.

"Oh Ayaan plan that privately your wife is getting all shy" he giggles and soon I follow him not able to hold back myself.

The only human who looks as fresh as bitter gourd finally speaks "Sir, we should leave" she speaks in a low voice only to him, but was audible to everyone.

"Yeah yeah....It was nice meeting you Mrs. Khan" he smiles at my wife who replies with a grin "Same here Sir!"

"Your behaviour is just like my daughter's " he looks at her with loving eyes but stands up to leave.

When they leave Kinza's waves at them and I squeeze her other hand so she do not do such childish things.

She is not even bothered of what I am saying discreetly and continues to wave till the are out of our sight, when the elevator door closes.

"He is fun" she slaps my arm looking all happy. I only nod at that and walk towards my cabin. I take a seat on the couch feeling exhausted after a long tired day. Loosing my tie and unbuttoning the top button. I sit there lazily and soon kinza joins me not in a normal state but in a shy way.

What is wrong with her?

She sits with hands together a shy smile playing on her lips and like those little teenager's she peeks at me, I raise my eyebrow at this new changes in her body language but keep my attention on her "you okay?" She quickly nods.

"Umm—Thankyou" she mumbles which was soon followed by a giggle, okay this is damn cringe why is she acting like a love sick puppy.

"Thankyou for? What?" She looks up but soon looks down "for the cake" Ohh yeah the cake—I clear my throat feeling awkward but nod telling her that's fine with my head.

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