Chapter 37 | Pregnant

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Kinza's pov

I brush my finger tips against Ayaan's nose which is few centimetre away from mine. Enjoying the closeness I admire him closely as much as I want like a creep since he is in deep sleep and there is less chances of me getting caught.

His features looking softer than a baby from up close, my eyes falling upon his lips, those addicting one which only knows to show how much he loves me.

After the bold stunt I pulled out yesterday with a trembling heart, I feel so much better today. I love him, I know that, and I wanted him to know that too. That's why I thought It's the right time to say him.

I guess that is my first ever decision in my 20 years of life, which I do not regret.

I know he loves me but he feels awkward in saying that and I am fine by that, I can give him as much as time he wants to make him feel comfortable and say those words which I am sure will do many things to my heart.

He is not someone who expresses, hell he does not even talk to his parents with more than two sentences for a whole day...but when he is with me, he listens to my rubbish and patiently answers which is something very shocking to Ayaan's mom, cause one day she heard him blabbering things and laughing with me on something which is not at all a topic to be discussed about and that day I literally saw tears of regret in her eyes because she also wants her son to be playful and talkative just as he is behind this doors in the room with me, she regret being away from him and sending him abroad from when he was kid. But we can't do anything now just can wait for him to change or go on with how he is.

I run my fingers through his hair brushing them behind "Wake up husband wake up" I whisper in his ear and a smile automatically forms on his lips, he hums and pulls me closer "We are not here to sleep, are we? Get up and let's go somewhere" I play with his earlobe which is surprising cold.

"Few more hours Kinza" he mumbles and I roll my eyes at his truthiness, he knew he will not wake up in five minutes so he directly said the truth without bothering to give me fake hope.

"I want to go out" I mumble and when he hears that he opens his eyes, he rubs his eyes and again wraps his arm around my waist to pull me closer. I don't remember cuddling to him like this before, I love this and I wish he could do the same back in Jiddah without waking me up like a Mother everyday.

"We are staying for a week sweetheart, you can visit as much as places you want, for now let me sleep" he again closes his eyes and snuggles closer in the crook of my neck, and I control the urge of smacking his head, didn't want to end up on the ground with sore butt in the morning.

Not feeling sleepy at all I admire the ceiling and wait for him to again fall in a deep slumber.

When I hear his breathing getting normal and even, I carefully hold his hand to remove it from my waist and quietly I slip out of the bed.

"That was a difficult task" wiping my fake sweat from my forehead and letting out a deep breath as if I have just solved the most difficult clue. I stand beside the bed with my hands on my waist.

"What should we do now?" Speaking to myself is fun "you are independent women, you can go out but I don't know how independent the men's out here our and I don't want to get into any trouble...hmm so I guess I should order something unhealthy and vibe on some song. Yup let do that!" I March towards the washroom to get freshen up after admiring the washroom again and after solving the difficult maths in the washroom which has alien taps and showers that made me stand there and look at it for few seconds not knowing how to operate it but then I remember my tutor husband teaching and after using my little mind and after remembering all the studies he taught me yesterday I take a very good slow bath.

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