1. why can't people just love me the way I am?

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"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY NERD!" Irene, the headQueenka's  yelled as she pushed me to the locker

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"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY NERD!" Irene, the head
Queenka's  yelled as she pushed me to the locker. I fell
with a thud after I hit my back on the hard, cold locker
and my glasses fell off my face.

This sort of thing happened every single day. I would get teased constantly for being a nerd.

"I-I-I'm sorry.
I'll move out of the way next time." I said,
stuttering, scared that she might hurt me.

"WELL. To make sure you don't do it again, I'm going to teach you  a lesson, nerd!" she said with a smirk. Oh,
great. More bullying.

It's not my fault.

She and her whole group of queenka's  that known as red velvet dragged me by
the wrist and hair to the janitors closet. I begged them to let me go. My wrist was hurting and so was my scalp.
They pushed me in and locked me in there. I've been in this closet numerous times before and I was used to it.
But it didn't mean I liked being in it. It made me feel
trapped, weak, and controlled. I hated that feeling even
though it was true. These bullies practically control me
because I can't fight back.

"P-please. Let me out! I-I promise not to do it again." I
said, sobbing and apologizing. Even though, I know I
didn't do anything wrong. The smallest things make
these bullies mad. Maybe it's just a reason to hurt me
even more.

"SHUT UP NERD. Stay there! Where you belong!"
Seulgi yelled with a laugh. I heard heels clicking, which
meant they left. Maybe she is right. Maybe this is where I belong.

"P-please. Help." I whispered to no one in particular. It was no use anyways. No one would come help me. Why?
Because I am a nerd and no one talks to me. So why
would they want to help me?

I sobbed quietly in the corner, why does everyone treat
me like this? Can't they just love me the  way I am?  I'm a nerd and I'm
not like them, who goes to parties and have fun. There's
more things important than that in my life.

Suddenly, the door was pulled opened by the janitor.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?" asked the
janitor with an old raspy voice. He was actually the nicest one in school to me, even though he was like 60 years old. And I was shoved in closets all the time.

"N-nothing." I said stuttering and walking to the library,
where I had my lunch and read books. It's not like I had friends.

 The library was my safety place

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The library was my safety place. The popular kids wouldn't come in here, since they despised school and reading. Also, many books were in here and I loved books. Books was an escape for me. You get to step into
another person's world and see what their life is like. For a while, you can forget about your life and read about
someone else's.

 For a while, you can forget about your life and read aboutsomeone else's

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Let me introduce myself. I'm Y/N Kim. I'm a freshman, which means I have 3 more years of torture after this year. I've been bullied since the 4th grade. But I never got used to it. My parents got divorced
when I was in 1st grade. I hardly see my dad and my mom ... well my mom has cancer. She's the only reason
why I'm studying hard and getting straight A's. I want to  get a scholarship to a college and get a job for her
treatment. My brother, yeounjun is working as a helper at a mechanic shop. My dad is very wealthy. But refuses to
give money to my mother because they have problems
with each other.

I was on my way to the library, when I was stopped by a muscled chest.

"Where do you think you're going, nerd?" asked the only voice that haunted my dreams.
I looked up to be met by a smirk and deep blue eyes. You see that red-velvet , who shoved me in the closet wasn't the only one who bullied me. It was almost the entire school. Of course, the others just did it because the popular people did it and they wanted to get noticed by them.

 Of course, the others just did it because the popular people did it and they wanted to get noticed by them

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I realized I bumped into Kim Taehyung and his friends. I had a crush on him when I was in 3rd to 6th grade. Then
he started bullying me, but I can't help but be attracted  to him. Who wouldn't? He was perfect, but only lookwise 😞

"I-I... Excuse me." I tried saying and moving past him,
but he held out his arm and stopped me.

"Now now. Stay right there. Why are you so ugly ?" Taehyung asked, disgust in his voice. Well sorry
for being like this.

I was fighting the tears to come out. "P-p-please, leave me alone." I pleaded. Of course he won't leave you

"Where's the fun in that?" he said and with that he took my glasses and threw them and pushed me to the
ground, and walked away. Luckily, my glasses didn't break.

The only thing that I thought was Why can't people just love me the way  I am?

The only thing that I thought was Why can't people just love me the way  I am?

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Sky ~🌬

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