3. "I promise."

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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

"MOVE NERD!" someone said. I didn't even bother looking up to see who it was, I just walked away quickly. It was my last day at this hell hole and I'm glad. This was going to be the last time I get pushed and shouted at for being a nerd.

No one knew that I was moving today. Not that they would notice anyways. They thought they were going to see me next week. But they're not. THANK GOD! I just want to forget everything and start again. I'm not going to be the school's punching bag anymore, and I'm glad.

My flight's tomorrow and I can't wait. The bell rang about 5 minutes ago, and now I'm heading home. Which isn't really a home anymore considering it's only boxes and luggages. My room is empty now.

I unlocked the front door to see my brother home. He quit his job 3 days ago and was helping my mom pack up.

"How was your last day at school? How are you felling?" he asked, with a smile on his face.

"Good. Finally, I get to leave that school." I said with a sigh of relief.

"Good. Are you done packing up?" he asked while putting some pillows in a box.

"Yeah! All done. Where's mom?" I asked.

"Upstairs, cleaning the guest room." he said.

"Okay. I'm going upstairs to help her out a bit." I said.

My mom was there, looking at pictures of her and appa.And pictures of me and Yeounjun when we were small. Sometimes, I think she misses our old family. When dad was here with us.
To be honest, I do too.

"Hey eomma.What are you doing?" I asked looking at the pictures she was looking at.

"Nothing, honey." she said putting the pictures in a box. "Want to bring this box down to your brother?" she asked.

"Sure eomma." I took the box and walked down the stairs.

We continued packing until it was time to sleep.

"Go to sleep sweetie pie I'll put these boxes away so they're ready for tomorrow." Yeounjun said.

"Okay. Good night, oppa." I said. I heard him say good night back and I walked to my room.

I had to sleep on the floor that was filled with blankets. My bed was already in our house in Korea

~The Next Day~

"Today's the day." I said as I woke up and changed into

my outfit. ⬇️

After that, I went downstairs to see that my mom and Yeounjun oppa were already awake

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After that, I went downstairs to see that my mom and Yeounjun oppa were already awake.

"Good morning guys!" I said cheerfully, excited about the move.

"Hey dongsaeng,Our flight's at 11 and it's already 9. Lets go!" my brother said, running out the door. He drove us to the airport and I couldn't help but look at the window and look at the place I had grown up in. I'm going to miss this place. And believe it or not. I will miss the people that bullied me. Call me crazy, but they were part of my life. They always will be. I'll miss Taehyung.Even though, he never liked me. One day, I'll come back here with a different personality. They won't even recognize me. I promise that.

We arrived at the airport and after waiting for at least two hours, it was time to go. We sat on the seats in the plane. I sat in between my oppa and eomma

"I promise." I whispered to myself and I was headed off to my new place to start.

" I whispered to myself and I was headed off to my new place to start

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♛┈⛧┈┈•༶⋇⋆✦⋆⋇◌◌◌◌◌⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛
Okay guys..! The first couple of chapters are gonna be short because it's pretty much explaining things..! When we get to the main-main story, then it'll get longer..! ((: THANK YOU..!

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Sky ~🌬

NERD is BACK ( Taehyung_ff) Where stories live. Discover now