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Chapter 11


"W-w-wait. Y/N? The nerd, I used to bully? You can't be her." Taehyung stuttered. His expression was just priceless. That's what you get.

"Well, yeah it's me. Want to see my passport or something?" I remarked with a smirk. Take that, Taehyung. Taehyung was always the perfect guy. Every girl wanted him or liked him in every way. Including me. He was my crush even though he bullied me through the years. I always thought that maybe he was bullying me because he liked me. But through the years, I figured that he couldn't like me because I was just plain me. Who would want me? But today he flirted with me. Just because of my new look.

The teacher's voice snapped me out of my thoughts about Taehyung, "Okay guys. That's enough. We have things to do today! Fun things, to be exact." I sat down first then Taehyung soon followed after. "Okay class! Today we will be doing a question sort of thing! You will be paired up with someone random and you will ask questions to learn more about each other  Understand?"Ms.Kang  explained.

"So we won't get to pick our partners?" one of  Taehyung's friends asked. I think his name is Jimin.

"Nope! This will be completely random according to my attendance paper!" she exclaimed. Wow, she's really peppy. She then started reading off names. "Jackson and Bambam, Jimin and Jennie, oh and Y/N and Taehyung!" she announced. WAIT. WHAT?!? Taehyung?!? Taehyung is my partner?!? This is so unfair.

"Wait what?! Taehyung? That Taehyung?!" I said pointing to Taehyung.

"Well yes. He's the only Taehyung in this class." she said with a look of humor on her face.

"Great! I can tell Y/Nand I are going to be best friends after this class!" Taehyung said with enthusiasm. Seriously, where did his shocked face go? Ugh.

Ms.Kang smiled and returned to her desk while Taehyung moved next to me. "Hi partner." he whispered so only I can hear.

"Hi." I murmured, making sure he can hear the annoyance in my voice.

"So lets get this thing started, shall we?" he asked with a small smile. Wait. He only smirks, he never smiles. Well okay then.

"So what's your favorite color?" Wow I was expecting him to ask something more personal.

"Umm purple." I said, unsure if I heard his question right. "How about you?"

Smiling, he said, "Blue."

"So um, listen. I really don't want to do this, so can we stop?" I asked. I didn't like talking to him in such a calm way. Like nothing ever happened. He didn't even say sorry or anything! I was so used to him pushing me into lockers, and now he's asking me what my favorite color was.

"What? What's wrong with that? I changed. I don't bully people anymore." he said, explaining himself.

"That's nice to know." I mumbled.

"Okay! Next question!" he exclaimed. What the heck is wrong with this guy? I just said I wanted to stop talking to him and here he was wanting to ask me another question.

"I said I don't-" I was cut off by his annoying voice, once again.

"So where did you move to?" he asked with a curious expression on his face.

"Somewhere." Can he like stop talking to me now?

"Oh. Where would that somewhere be?" he asked. This guy was so annoying.

"Can you stop now?" I asked, annoyed.

"No." he said with a sheepish smile. "That counted as a question, by the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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