2: "We're moving."

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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

Luckily, school was over and I was walking home now.
When I got home, my mom was in the kitchen.

"Mom, you shouldn't be up and around like that. Youmight get hurt." I scold my mom. I was always very protective over my mom. So was my brother. We love our mom very much and if she passed away, I wouldn't know how our life is going to be.

"Sweetie, I'm okay. I'm not going to get hurt in a kitchen." she smiled at me.

"How was school?" she asked.

I didn't tell her about the bullying, only yeonjun knew. I didn't want her to have to feel bad for me. Also, I love seeing her smile and if I told her about the bullying, it might disappear.

"Same old." I replied, shrugging while
getting a glass of water. I didn't want my mom to worry about me. She has enough things to deal with.

"Well sweetie. I need to tell you and your brother something. We'll wait until he gets back from work and I'll tell you both at the same time." my mom explained. I
nodded and walked to my room to do homework.

I set my backpack down by my bed and let my hair fall
down. I always put my hair up when I went to school. I laid stomach-first doing my homework.

I was still doing homework when I realized it was 6:30 PM already. My mom was probably taking a nap, which she deserves. I decided to make dinner. I took one of my books and headed to the kitchen.

I went to get ingredients to make some homemade pizza.
I took the frozen pizza and put it in the oven. I set the timer and stood by the oven, while reading my book to
study for tomorrow's test. I needed to ace that test because it was a checkpoint.

"I'm Home!" my brother, yeounjun, yelled. Yeounjun was avery hard working person. He was the man of the family.
He was protective of both my mom and I. He's caring and always there for us. If I call him, crying when he's at work,
he would come straight home and talk to me about my problem. He knew about the bullying and he was always there for me to talk about it. He even said he wants to call out each and every one of them. Once, he almost did when he dropped me off at school. But luckily, I stopped him. He would always make me laugh when I'm sad. But of course, he would sometimes playfully tease me just to make me smile. I could tell he would be an amazing father in the future.

"In the kitchen!" I yelled. He walked in and smelled the pizza, which I just took out of the oven.

"Is this pizza, I see?" he asked with a smile. Of course, he was a huge pig when it came to food.

"Yes, it is." I said and smiled back.
"How was work?" I asked.
"Pretty good. More cars to do." he said. "How was school?" he asked, looking at me with a serious and worried face. See what I mean? He's always looking out
for me.

"Same old. You know? Getting pushed and called a nerd." I said in a sad voice, tears were threatning to spill out. I knew no one deserved to be bullied, everyone was created the same, but I guess some people didn't think that. High school is a place where you're basically judged
by the way you dress and act. People just judge you instead of getting to know you.

"Its okay, sis. We'll get through this." he said while hugging me. My brother was always very supportive to me, which is why I loved him very much. He's the closest to a friend that I've got and I wasn't going to lose him.

"Sweetie? Is that you?" my mom asked coming down the stairs.

Yeounjun came up to her and hugged her. "Hey mom. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Good, son. I need to talk to you guys. Head on to the living room so we can talk about it." mom said and we all walked to the living room.

"You guys know that I love you with all my heart, right?"
mom asked and we both nodded.
"Well. I decided that we should move to Korea, your Aunt seojun and Uncle
Hwang are paying for the tickets. I want us to start over again there and stay there for at least a year. We're moving." she said. Yeounjun and I looked at each other with a "she's right" face.

"You're right, mom. We should move. It's the right thing to do." my brother said and I nodded along with him. I agreed with them both, I wanted everything that was best for my mom. Besides, a new place equals to a new school. I finally get to leave my school.

"That's great, honey! Start packing up. We're leaving in a week." she said and she went into the kitchen. That means I need to survive another week of school. I bet you when I leave, no one's going to notice I left.

I turned to my brother. "Do you really think this is the right thing to do?" I asked, worried about my family's sake.

My brother was always the person I look up to with these decisions, well ever since dad left us.

"It's a good new start for you. To forget all the bullying at your school. And it's what mom wants. What she wants is what we do." he explained and he couldn't be more right.

"You're right, oppa. I just hope I can start a new life there." I said with a smile.

I went to bed after I ate and looked up at the ceiling. I can't believe I'm going to leave all the people that bullied me my entire life. Will they notice that I'm gone? Will they miss me? I snorted at that
"That's great, honey! Start packing up. We're leaving in a week." she said and she went into the kitchen. That means I need to survive another week of school. I bet you when I leave, no one's going to notice I left.

I turned to my brother. "Do you really think this is the right thing to do?" I asked, worried about my family's sake. My brother was always the person I look up to with these decisions, well ever since dad left us.

"It's a good new start for you. To forget all the bullying at your school. And it's what mom wants. What she wants is what we do." he explained and he couldn't be more right.

"You're right, oppa. I just hope I can start a new life there."
I said with a smile.

I went to bed after I ate and looked up at the ceiling. I can't believe I'm going to leave all the people that
bullied me my entire life.
Will they notice that I'm gone?
Will they miss me?
I snorted at that thought.
Of course they won't miss me.
What am I thinking.
They're going ti be my past.
"We're moving." I whispered before
falling into deep sleep.

" I whispered beforefalling into deep sleep

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OKAY..... I know you guys never read this. But oh well. I know the last chapter was really short. But it was mostly an introduction. But. Thankyou for reading..!

And I would like to dedicate my chapter to LanaGallant unnnie for supporting me

maeu gamsahabnida unnie

Support me 💜💜

Sky ~🌬

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