8. "yay school"

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Chapter 8

Y/n POV:

"Good morning n/n." my dad said, as I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. The smell of bacon, pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruits filled the room. Mmm, food.

(Now don't tell me u all read bacon as baekhyung~ 🙂)

"Morning dad." I mumbled. We were the only two here, where was yeon? Surely he wouldn't miss this breakfast buffet. He was a pig for food.

"Where's oppa?" I asked my dad, curiously.

"He went to one of the college campuses I
recommended for him. I want your brother to get a good education after all these years of him working hard, you
know?" he said, before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Coffee sweetie?" he asked.

I shook my head, "You're right dad. Oppa does deserve it." Yeoniee was always the one who looked out for the family. Although he quit his education rather early, he still wanted to go back to it. Throughout the years, he's been telling me how he wants to continue his education and pursuit his dream of becoming a lawyer.

And when he does, I will be the first one to hug him when he gets his degree.

"So are you excited for school tomorrow?" my dad asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Oh and did I forget to mention that school was tomorrow. Oh well, yes, school is indeed tomorrow. I'm ready though, I've got my outfit ready and even oppa told me that I've changed my appearance, in a good way of course. He told me that, "Wow babe, you're actually turning into a girl." of course, my brother was just kidding.

"Yay school," I said with sarcasm. "that was sarcasm by the way." I added, knowing that my dad would take my words seriously when I said yay school. I was kind of excited because of the new look and all and showing them the new me. But if I was given a choice of being homeschooled, I would take it.

"Don't worry honey! It'll be great. You'll see all your friends!" he exclaimed, if only he knew I didn't have friends. "And of course, they'll see how much you changed! In a good way, of course. Look at you now, a lovely, beautiful young women. I remember when you wore those glasses, you were still beautiful." he said,with a smile. I really love my dad. Even if he wasn't in my life for most of the time, he was still there. He always did call me beautiful when I felt like I wasn't.

"Thanks dad. But did you really think I was beautiful even when I had my glasses, instead of these contacts?" I asked, maybe it was just a "dad thing" to say.

"Of course honey. If you were to put on those glasses and baggy clothes right now, you would still be a princess. A princess just doesn't have a beautiful face, it's also the beauty within." my dad said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back

(my slogan~😎)

I went up to my dad and hugged him, "Thank you, dad. For everything."

"I'm always here, darling. If you need someone to talk to I'm here. I know I haven't been really supportive of you, but now I'm making it up to you." he smiled, and I smiled back.

My dad and I were now watching a movie. It was a random black and white movie my dad has picked out.

A few moments later, yeonjun walked in.

"Hey guys." he said, as he locked the door. I waved because popcorn was stuffed into my mouth and I couldn't talk. I wonder how the college was.

"How was the college you visited?" Appa asked, asking the question for me.

"It was okay. But I thought it was a-um. How do I put this?" he asked himself.

"Let me guess? It was too preppy and fancy for you?" my dad asked, chuckling to himself.

"Yeah. I mean it's a great school and everything. But I really want to do sports, too. But this school doesn't really focus on any sports, only debate teams and all that." he explained.

"That's fine, son. I'll look for more colleges right for you." my dad assured him. "How about we all go somewhere? As a family. You guys have been here for months now and we still haven't done anything as a family." my dad recommended.

"Sure appa, I'm in." I said as I looked at oppa and he just nodded.

"Okay! How about we go to the carnival in town?" my dad asked. I loved carnivals. I always went with oppa when I was younger and had the time. My dad knew that, too.

"Yes!" I yelled out, excited.Appa and Oppa nodded and laughed. We went upstairs to change and get ready.

We were now in the car to go to the carnival. I was so excited! I haven't been to a carnival in ages. When we arrived, Appa went to the booth to buy us some tickets.

"You look excited." Yeonjun said, observing my jumping figure.

"Well duh! It's a carnival! I haven't been to one in ages! What do you expect me to do? Stand here, like a normal person!" I gasped, covering my mouth dramatically.

"Of course not! You're not normal at all, so that wouldn't be possible!" he said in a teasing voice.

"Well then! I'm glad we're on the same page!" I said as my dad came back and gave us a share of tickets.

"Alright kids! What do you want to do first?" my appa asked.

"I want to go play some games!" I said, while yeon said, "I want to go on the roller coaster."

"You guys can go on the roller coaster! I'll just play some games here." I suggested.

"You sure? I mean we can all just go together." Oppa asked.

"No I'm sure! I'll be fine, I'll just text you guys where I'm at." I said. They nodded and walked off.

I went to one of the games where you just shoot two basketballs and if you make them both then you get a prize. I was pretty good at basketball, considering I played for a league since I was 5, but stopped when I was 11. I made both of them and won a big unicorn. YAY! I LOVE UNICORNS!

•( do u all love unicorn 😶)

I was walking when I bumped into someone. I fell with my unicorn.
(Poor unnicorn!!!)

"Excus-Woah, you're hot." the guy said. I was wearing skinny jeans with a muscle tank that said "Hispta Please".

"No thanks." I said as I stood up, without looking at him. He offered me a hand, but I ignored it. I was about to walk away when somebody grabbed my wrist. "Excuse you?" I asked and turned around to be faced with dark brown eyes and messy hair. He was wearing a basketball jersey that said my old school's team name, or should I just say school. He had a fit body that would get all the girls drooling. He was hot, wait what? This guy looks familiar. Dreamy green eyes? The messy hair? My school? Flirty? Player? Perverted? Basketball? Hot? Wait... this has to be ...


Who do you guys think it is?(; he sounds hot huh. i know he does. Updated again! Finally! Thank you for the support guys and lets get this to 1K reads! (: Thank you again.




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