9.Kim Taehyung?

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Chapter 9

Y/n pov :

This was none other than, Kim Taehyung.
He was still looking good, not that I expected him to change or anything.
But everything about him still screamed player. And judging by his first line,

"Woah you're hot.", I can tell he hasn't changed a bit.

He still had the same dreamy green eyes that I remember and that sexy smirk that would make you do anything that you want.

"How about we walk around this carnival together and maybe go to my place after?" he said with a wink and that stupid smirk on his face.

What an asshole. Does he expect me to go to his house to sleep with me. What a pickhead.

"And do what exactly? Watch a animes marathon?" I inquired with a goofy smile on my face.

His face quickly turned into a frown and he looked like he was thinking about something. Did somebody think I was a desperate slut who would just say yes. Um think again mister! He shook his head and his smirk reappeared,
"Of course not. But if you want we can watch right after we-"

"No thanks. I'm not interested in a guy that's probably a sperm donor to 100 kids." I snickered.

I wouldn't be surprised if this guy got 50 whores pregnant. I couldn't help but feel jealous of these whores. Wait WHAT?! Erase. Erase.

"That's cute sweetheart. You're already jealous and we haven't even done anything, yet."

how did he know I was thinking that? Wait no I wasn't. Pft. I didn't say anything.

"But I'll tell you what, I'm always protected. And right now, you're the only girl for me." he said with a wink.

Again with that stupid smirk and wink. Seriously, is he the Joker or does he have something in his eye?

"Right now? Only girl for you? Okay. For how long? An hour? Dude, get over it and leave me alone." I said and started stomping off.

"Well it can be an hour if you want. But we can do it much more longer." he said grabbing onto my wrist, once again. I turned around and he had that stupid smirk on his face, AGAIN. Really?!?

"Can you like leave me alone? I don't have time for this." I said, crossing my arms.

"What's your name, babe?" he asked, completely ignoring my last statement.

"Well it's not babe, so can you stop calling me that?" I sked, clearly annoyed.

This guy is so annoying.

"I don't think I can, BABE," he said, emphasizing babe, "Come on. I'm Kim Taehyung. The guy who stole your heart." he smiled, offering his hand. Stole my heart? AS IF.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but my heart is still here in its place and it is not indeed stolen. So thank God for that." I retorted

"Is that so? Alright, I'll just have to steal it then." he said with a generous smile.

Wait generous? When did Kim Taehyung become generous? Really? The guy who bullied me.

"Yeah okay. Bye." I said and ran off before he could say anything else.

At least he didn't recognize me, but he will tomorrow, right after I introduce myself to everybody. He'll be so shocked, and so will those other bullies. I mean the nerdy and "ugly" Park Y/n, is actually pretty and has a hot side to her. Not something you see everyday.

I ran off to the roller coaster where appa and yeonjunie were. I saw them just getting off the ride.

"Hey." I greeted them as I approached them.

Yeonjun oppa took note of the big, fluffy unicorn I was holding, "Well someone had fun. But really a unicorn?" Oppa raised his eyebrows at me.

"Totally! Why not unicorns?! What did you want me to get? A normal, teddy bear? That's so mainstream!" I exclaimed.

Oppa was about to say something, but appa cut him off,

"Alright guys. We should head off. Let's go eat somewhere and head home. It's your first day tomorrow, Y/n.Wouldn't want to be sleepy in class, don't we?" Appa reminded me.

"Don't even remind me." I mumbled, so low he couldn't hear.
But yeonjun did and he put his arm around me. It was a comforting gesture.

"It's alright, y/nie. You'll be okay." he whispered in my ear.

That made me smile.

"Yeah, let's go appa." he said.

We walked out of the carnival joking around and laughing. Appa and yeonjun were tickling me and teasing me about my fluffy unicorn and how I was childish. I missed this, I missed having a family to share laughs and memories with. Right now, everything was perfect, aside from school of course. But my family? I was happy, which hasn't happened in months. I was actually happy.

Short update! Hope u all enjoy 😊



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