4. i will be strong

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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

~1 year later~

Korea is great! I'm still the same nerd with the glasses and baggy clothes, but people respected me and didn't make fun of me. I also had friends here, not like in my old school.

It was summer now, and I couldn't of asked for a better one.

"Hey cuppy!" one of my friends, Mina said. She's Japanese.

"Hey babe!" said Sana.

They have the cutest nicknames....oh Japnese people.

"Hey guys!" I, of course, said in Korean mix American accent. I still haven't picked up a Korean accent.

"So, do you ever think about your life back in U. S ?"mina asked.

They were so caring towards me because they knew about my life back where I was from.

"Well, of course. My dad and all." I said, while eating my tteokbokki. And I did miss my dad. Even though he could be a jerk sometimes, he really did love us and I knew that.

"But, the people who bullied you?" Sana asked.
Hmm... did I miss them? Of course I did. But I still hated the things they did to me.

"I guess... but I still hate them." I said with a smile.

"Didn't you say that one of them was cu-" she was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello? Oppa?" I asked in the phone.

Yeounjun yelled frantically.

Wait! What?! No, this can't be happening.

"Oppa What happened?!? Please tell me she's okay!" I said, tears almost falling. Sana and mina were looking at me with weird looks.

"I don't know! I'll explain later just get here!" Yeonjun oppa said.

I didn't care what was happening, I had to get to the hospital, right now.

"Okay! I'm on my way!" I ran out of school and to my old looking car, ignoring my friends' questions.

I drove as quickly as possible.

~ Hospital ~

I ran as fast as I can. I ran as if I was in a marathon and the finish line was just in the corner.

"Excuse me! I'm looking for kim chaeyong !" I said to the nurses, panting.

I have never been so scared my entire
life. My mom was always there for me. I was so worried about her. I didn't want to lose her.

I wasn't ready.

"I-I. Your brothers' down the hall." one of the nurses said,nervously as she looked at me with pity. Wait. Why pity? Pity? This doesn't look too good. I hate pity.

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