7.shopping, idont know?

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Y/n pov :

Here I am, stepping out of the optometrist. My glasses are now gone, well not gone yet, my contacts are coming in a few days. This is just one of the many steps to change myself.

2 Weeks Later

It was now August. My contacts came in a few days ago. I've been working out a lot, like really hard. Day and night. Even Jay said that I was working too hard, and he works out about half of the day when he's not doing anything. But I had to do it to reach my goal. What was my goal, you ask? Of course, to have the perfect body. I was too skinny, and I didn't have curves. I've been eating more to gain weight, but that's not the only thing I wanted, I also wanted abs. Yes, you heard me abs. But 2 weeks does do you justice when you workout day and night. And if you pick the right meals you'll actually get curves. Well. Of course, I'm only starting.

School was about to start soon and dad already registered me at my old school.

Ugh. No. I don't want to go to school. But I do want to see their reactions when they see the new me.

But moving on, today I was going shopping. I got my dad's permission to go and he said that he'll send me to the mall with one of the maids. Oh and his credit card. Can't forget about that. But I was going to buy normal clothes, wait, I mean girly clothes. I mean. It's not like I don't like them, it's just that I never had a chance to buy them since I was saving for my mom's treatment, but now I don't need to do that anymore, sadly. I wish my mom was still here. I wish we were still one family with my dad. We would be a happy family who watches movies together, goes shopping together, and other things that families do together. But of course, it was too good to be true.

I was in the car with one of my dad's maids, Min-ju She was a really nice lady. She was about 50 years old.

"Dear. You have such pretty eyes."
Min-ju said, while the driver was still driving to the mall.

My eyes? Well. No one, but my mom really said anything about them. They were hazel, and they turned really light under the sunlight. "Thank you. Do you really think that?" I asked her. I never really minded them since I wore glasses.

"Yes dear. They remind me of a princess. Not just the color, but the girl behind it." I didn't really know what she meant. I know I'm not a princess, I mean look at me. I'm trying to change myself for other people, that's not what a princess does. A princess is already perfect.

( this is suspicious is she lost princess or something😂😂)

I didn't say anything after that because we arrived at the mall. First store we went to was kore limited. Everyone at this store either had their friends around them and they were all looking perfect. They were carrying loads of bags and trying clothes on. They were taking pictures of themselves because they felt confident in themselves. I felt a little insecure. Will I ever be like them? What if I fail and people will still bully me? I don't think I can deal with that anymore.

"Look dear! This will look so beautiful on you!" Min-ju exclaimed. Min-ju reminded me of my grandma, who passed away when I was 12 years old. She was always outgoing and she would always tell me stories about falling in love.

I took the floral skirt that Min-ju was holding, it was pretty. But will it be pretty on me? "It is pretty." I said, eyeing it with so much admiration. I was new to this shopping thing. I didn't even know where to start. I mean this is the first time I've been in this store. I didn't know what would look good on me or if any of these clothes would look good on me. I didn't even know where to pay!

"Try it on sweetie. I want to see how it looks on you." she said sweetly with a huge smile on her face.

I nodded and walked to where the dressing rooms were. I was unsure of trying it on because, well what if it wasn't pretty on me? What if it didn't look good?

After debating with myself, I decided to try it on. I tried it on with a peach tank top and made my way outside.

Min-ju saw and said, "Oh dear! It looks so pretty on you! You look wonderful and so gorgeous! Oh! We have to get more of those! You look wonderful!" she gushed. Was she telling the truth? What if she saying that because I'm her bosses' daughter?

"R-really? I mean, I can always try something else on." I said, sounding unsure.

"Nonsense dear! It fits you perfectly! Come! We must find some more clothes for you." she dragged me along the store, and that's how our 4 hour shopping trip at kore limited went.

( I prefer min-ju y/n, who u guys prefer

Reader : I prefer myself 😈)

After 4 hours of shopping at kore limited, I asked, "So what do we do now Min-ju?" I didn't really know how normal girls went shopping, I mean I've never been on a shopping spree before. Oh and luckily we found the checkout.

"Oh we go shopping for more things dear! Like shoes, bags, jewelry, many things! Your dad told me to buy as many things as you need!" Min-ju exclaimed, I couldn't help but smile at her since she was always so happy.

Once again, she dragged me to another store, and that's how my day was spent.

𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗

Sorry it took a while guys, and it's pretty short, but I'll be updating about two more times this week! (: Remember to comment, vote,
Thank you and I love you all!

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