~ Ready to stay ~

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Ready to stay

All your life, you are nothing.
You're a piece of wood, drifting in the sea.
Addicted to the merci of the waves.
Subject of their will.
Slave of their judgment.

All you want is to keep your given miracle ongoing.
Your heart to beet on.
Your spirit to survive.
And this will kill you.

If you ever drown, you know how it feels.
To die.
And how it feels.
To come alive again.

You can't be afraid of the unknown twice.
You can only be waiting to accomplish your trip.
Your trip never stops.

When you are not addicted to the waves,
You addict them.
You're floating to the next island.

Cause only when you're prepared to go,
you're ready to stay.

Heute mal ein englisches Gedicht und leider etwas zu spät. Liegt daran, dass ich momentan mit keinem Gedicht wirklich zufrieden bin...
Hoffe aber, es gefällt euch trotzdem. 😊

Lg Eure Dichterflamme 🔥

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