Chapter 13:~Meeting Elladan again~

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Two days later, the escort from Rivendell arrived and Elladan went over to face his future wife who was standing beside her father dressed in a dark blue long silk dress with golden pattern and trailer, long short sleeves and a silvery circlet tiara with diamonds and a silvery elvish necklace and a pair of silver elvish long earrings that looked like leafs. Her long golden blonde hair was put up in a braid with a silvery hair jewellery in her hair in the back of her head.
"Your Majesty,"Elladan greeted as he gently took her hand and kissed it, "It's an honour to meet you," And Elora smiled, "The honour is all mine, my Lord," And Elladan smiled.
"Come, let's get inside,"Thranduil said.

A while later, Elladan and Elora walked through Eryn Lasgalen's gardens. "So, Elora, tell me about yourself,"Elladan encouraged her gently. And Elora smiled, "What would you like to know?," And Elladan smiled, "Just tell me something about you. What do you like to do?," And Elora smiled, "Well, I love singing and dancing. I have a beautiful singing voice. Sometimes, when I'm alone, I love to drawing or painting. But also love riding and archery," And Elladan smiled, "You sounds like you love to enjoy yourself," And Elora smiled, "Well, I do. But if I'm going to be Queen, I need to put some of the things I love aside for later when I have time," And Elladan smiled, "Elora, when we marry, I want our marriage to be more than just duty. And I hope you can grow to love me and see me as I see you," And Elora smiled.
Elladan gently stroked her hair and leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the lips, "See you tomorrow, Your Majesty," And he left.

Elora put her fingers against her lips were he had kissed her and swallowed. What if she would disappoint him on their wedding night? What if her fear from the rape many years ago took over? What if she couldn't please him?

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