
36 1 0

{Violin music recommended}

The world is so fast ...

He thought as he took a sip of his coffee and sighs with delight after tasting it.

doesn't wait for anything ...

He thinks as he is looking outside the window, watching cars drive by, sky scrapers that touch the sky and the clouds that gives us life.

He licked his lips as he put down his cup on the small table and took out his phone from the pocket of his black trousers and checked the time.

"ah!" he quickly took his coat from the chair and wore it as he walked out of his sky villa.
He waits for the elevator to come, which after few minutes, comes and opens with a ding.

He steps inside, the soles of his polished leather shoes touches the floor gently and with that he presses on the lobby button.

A gentle violin music playing in the elevator, he looks to his side and sees his reflection on the golden metalic wall of the elevator. His eyes staring at his own reflection as he fixes his hair a little.

And with another ding, the elevator door opens and he steps out with his hands in his pockets of his brown coat. The tap of his shoes echoing as he walks towards the exit of the building.

He takes out his keys and presses the unlock button of his car, hearing the car's cry as it longs for him.

He sits down and starts the engine, the car roaring in delight. And with that he drives away to where he ... wants to go.

His black jaguar sedan shines as the sun rays kisses it, making it seem like the most beautiful luxury one could ever possess.

He swiftly drives and after 20-30 minutes reaches his destination. He checks his phone and sighs in disappointment.
"Ah ... i'm late .. again .." He closes his eyes in despair as he stepped out of his car.

He walks towards the huge building which has a big clock on top. No sight of any child, just teachers... yes he went to a school.

He walked in and went through the same halls he has been going since 6 days.
He knocked on the door of the teachers' room, hearing a gentle 'come in' he opens the door and peeks his head in.

There he saw the kid with the same disappointed expression he has been having since 6 days. He looked at the teacher who gave him a small smile.

"Ujin-ah .." the kid rolled his eyes at the man who just gently whispered his name, folding his arms and looking away.

"Ujin-ah ... I'm so sorry-"
"Keep your apology to yourself ..."
"Ah don't be like thaaaat"

He sighed, sincerely apologetic for being late to pick up Ujin from school for the 6th time.
The teacher looked at Ujin and spoke in her sweet soft gentle voice, "Ujin? aren't you a good kid? look, your dad is really sorry!"

Ujin gave a side look to his dad as he just smiled apologetically. He sighed and shook his head, "Fine .." he mumbled as he stood up from his seat and went out.

"Aish ... Miss. Yuna I'm really sorry to be late.."
"Its okay, Mr. Taehyung... but please be careful next time ... he gets lonely here you know.."
"Well ... Ujin is a really unique kid ... but ..."

"But what?"
"He gets bullied ... and we try to resolve the matter but still, he ends up being a loner ... and see this .."
Miss. Yuna showed Taehyung a paper on which wrote words in big, messy handwriting,
"I wish to be strong, I'm so weak ...
I wish to be strong, so I could show them I am not alone!"

"He wrote this?" He asked with pain in his voice.
She nods her head, "He wrote it ... and I saw him throwing this in the bin ... and curiousity got the best of me."

He sighs and nodded his head as he kept the paper in his pocket.
He walked towards his car where a small angy kid stood with his head low.
"Hey champ!" Taehyung ruffled Ujin's hair, getting no response he bend down to his level and tried to look at his face.

"Ya .. dad's really sorry ... you know I love you right?"
Ujin nodded his head slowly and a smile made it's way on Taehyung's face.
"Come on, lets get ice cream!"
"Ice cream?" Ujin's eyes glowed, but soon redeemed as he asked, "But it's winter ..."
"Uhhhh It's okay, one ice cream won't harm"

Ujin's face brightened up with a huge smile as he hugged Taehyung with his small arms.

Ujin ... he became my everything ... he was just what his name meant, a gift from the universe ... he fulfilled every crack I had in my life.

I never threw that paper and it has been 8 years now, he is 18 now ... grew up so fast

He matured, became a handsome young man, but was he still bullied? was he still "weak"?

He could never be weak ... it just wasn't in his blood ... I never told him I had the paper.

I started keeping a close eye on him, making sure he's safe ... always

With love and care he grew out from all that, now he was ... well he always was but now he knew it too that he was strong.

But ... he didn't know one thing ... and let me tell you this one thing if I ever told him- it'd change his whole life

His blood ... the reason he was meant to be strong ... the reason he was strong ...

cause his blood ... they were ...

I can't ... I can never tell him who they were ...

I hate myself whenever I think of them, cause I ... I couldn't save them ...

I couldn't ...

Ujin might hate me after ... I can't ...

He is not my blood ... the one who's weak is me

Cause he? he is their blood ...

who am I talking about?

Well ... it's a story ... of two ... wild fires

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