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Y/n went crazy ...

"IM NOT GOING!" She screamed at top of her lungs while me and Jungkook tried to hold her and calm her down.

Y/n's whole world was shattering infront of her and she couldn't do anything about it.
"Where is he..?" she asked softly as tears didn't stop pouring out of her eyes.

Jimin decided to surrender.

He could take risks but he couldn't be selfish.

Even a slight mistake could put Y/n and others in danger ...

and if he surrendered ... things would stop.

Y/n was sitting on her bed. Taehyung promised her that Jimin will come to meet her.
Jungkook stayed with her to make sure she's safe.

After waiting for what seemed like an year, the door opened. Y/n looked behind her and saw him standing there with a smile.

Jungkook got up and left the room leaving both alone. Y/n stared at him with glistened eyes.
"Don't do this ... please ..." She pleaded as she held his hands in her's.

He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, Love ... things will be alright."
Y/n just shook her head not wanting to accept this.

"Y/n-ah ... you have a greater responsibility."
He said as he caressed her baby bump.
"Jimin ..." "Shush..." he hugged her and kept her close to his chest.

"I love you..."
He said as he caressed her hair. She closed her eyes and nodded her head, "love you too..."
He smiled and hugged her for long.

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

Y/n got into the helicopter and sat down.
She looked outside the window and saw Jimin waving at her with a sweet smile.

She smiled back and waved too. Her heart clenched thinking this could be the last time she'd see him.

But she had to remain strong. If she fell weak, it would be harder for Jimin and thats the last thing she'd want.

The helicopter's blades started rotating. Taehyung sat in the seat behind her and looked at Jimin as well.

Jimin smiled at him and Taehyung too responded with one

We smiled at eachother like brothers ... after eternity

And with that they departed. Y/n finally broke down after getting out of sight.

Jimin's hair and suit blowing due to the speedy winds produced due to the blades.
His smile slowly faltered and he look down.

His heart clenched at the helplessness life threw at their fate.
He looked above glancing at the fading helicopter for the last time and turned around to leave

I remember... y/n cried the whole way ..

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

They didn't deserve this

Jimin was encountered along with Jungkook.
and Y/n?

She died giving birth...

The beauty in this horrific event was that both died on the same day...

The next day after departure Y/n got into labour while Jimin and Jungkook were held prisoners.

I could hear Y/n's screams and the doctors rushing to help her. She screamed his name.
As if she felt it.

As if she knew something terribly wrong happened.

Namjoon's Agency took over C.O.B.R.A and made it a part of their's. Now it was a home to agency trainees.

Jungkook was given a chance to get away but he didn't.
He decided to go away with his brother.

If he would've ran away, it would be a disgrace to his father's sacrifice.

Just like his dad died saving his brothers, Jungkook too felt a sense of responsibility.

I was left all alone...

Like karma got back at me for being so foolish.

For hating my brother so much ...

and for not taking Jungkook's words seriously that ...

we only realise someone's importance when they're gone...

Hoseok moved away after hearing about Y/n's death.
He couldn't take it.

Y/n only called out Jimin's name till her last breath ...

They both were a match made in heaven, weren't they?

both were meant to be together...

But they left their child with me. The only memory of their love... Ujin.

And just like I said before... his name meant a gift from the universe

Ujin ... I love him. I love him dearly and just like I promised Jimin... I took care of him and made sure he never faces the same fate.

I held Ujin in my arm as I saw the doctors covering his mother's body with a white sheet.
I had never cried so much in my entire life.

I moved away to another country and started a new life. I took care of Ujin as a single parent.

Now you know why Ujin could never be weak?
Cause his blood ... they were strong.

Today he lived a life of peace just cause of the amount of sacrifices made by those people.

Everyone left, it's just me and Ujin now.

But maybe ... maybe we'll meet again

Maybe after my death, we again take birth and meet ... and correct our mistakes

I'll treasure Jimin...

Make Jungkook worry less

Protect Y/n

and save Yoongi

I closed my eyes and fell asleep in my arm chair.

But right now Ujin needs me ... maybe we'll have to wait a little more ...


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