Chapter 7

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Jungkook's picture!

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Jungkook's picture!

He looked so pure.

This picture was clicked on his 23rd birthday.

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

After weeks of research and investigation. We finally had found out the reason behind Hydra's betrayal.

Jake explained everything to the members.
"Hydra went corrupt and to save itself ... it joined hands with ... an agency"

He showed them the files.
"The agency ... Kim Namjoon being their leader. They are anti-gang people. Past records state that they have been behind C.O.B.R.A since long."

He then turned the pages and continued,
"To save our gang from them, Mr.Park signed a contract with Hydra. Hydra were really big that time ... but now see ... what things have come to."

He shook his head.

"Now the agency has extra man power and ... our informations."
Jimin sighed tensed. Y/n holding his arm and giving it a comforting squeeze.

"They are really powerful right now..." Jake said as he closed the files and sat down.
"They'll do anything to destroy us..."
Jimin said, his voice sounding slightly shaky.

That was the first time I ever saw him so scared.

"Don't worry Jimin-ssi! we'll find a way"

Jungkook ...

"Hmm" Taehyung hummed in response and looked at everyone. "We can't sit and worry ..." he looked at Jimin, "We find a way"

Jimin took a breath of relief and nodded his head. Y/n smiling at them.

I felt ... good

"Let's get to planning asap" Jimin said with a stern energetic voice.

Jimin was a wanted criminal ... we all were.
But our gang was big and nobody could touch us...

But you know ... betrayal ... destroys everything

And thats what Hydra did

Now it was just ... us and fate

Jimin increased the security of the HQ.
He was in his office, staring out of the huge window when he saw a reflection of the woman he dearly loved.

He felt her arms around his waist and a smile making it's way on the newly wed couple.

It was a small secret wedding ... only close people were part of it.

A wedding of one day.

"Things will be alright, Jimin ... don't stress so much" She said in her soft voice.
Jimin turned around and put his hands around her waist and with a comforting smile he spoke, "I need to protect ... you... but here you are in grave danger with me"

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