Chapter 2

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Taehyung unlocked the small wooden box. He was sitting on his white leather arm chair in his bedroom with the box on his lap.

It was mid night and Ujin was in his room studying for his finals.
A small smile made it's way on Taehyung's face when he found what he was looking for in the box.

A very old picture.

Great visuals, no?  girls would die to get a taste of him, but he? he was made of stone

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Great visuals, no? girls would die to get a taste of him, but he? he was made of stone.
He never touched a girl, he never loved one.

Cause whoever he came across were just greedy for money, fame and lust.

Lust and Love aren't the same. He knew that.

But there was one woman ... who melted his stone cold heart like no other ever did.

The only woman who loved him and the only woman whom he loved

but they had a funny beginning and here too
I play a ... small part ...

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

{22 years ago}

"Fuck!" She cursed under her breath when she heard faint police sirens on the way.
"quick!!" she said in a hurry as her partner
quickly stuffed the cash inside their bag.

"Y/N! Let's go now!" He said as he finally zipped the bag and both ran out of the ATM booth. Y/N had covered the CCTV camera but the ATM had a secret camera on the machine itself which they didn't know about.

Both ran as fast as they could. It was 2 am and the streets were dark and empty. The yellow street lights helping them see as they run without a destination.

"Hobi!" she shouted his nickname she often called him, "Lets climb here!" she pointed towards a big trash bin.
"What?! No!" he protested as he looked at her in disbelief.

"There's a dead end idiot! we have no choice!"
She had already climbed in, Hoseok sighed and quickly hid too.
The few police men searched the area quietly.

One of them while looking around spotted the big green trash bin and walked towards it.
He tapped its lid and kicked its body to get any sign of them being in.

He then rubbed his hands together and was about to open the lid when he heard a whistle.
He turned around and the leader policeman signalled them to leave the area, saying they're not here.

The policeman sighed and obeyed nonchalantly. He looked at the bin and thought about asking the leader to check it but then he just shrugged and walked away.

After few minutes when it was silence again, the lid opened slightly revealing two heads looking left and right.
"They're gone ..." Hoseok said with a sigh of relief as he climbed out of the nasty bin.

He smelled his arms and gagged, "I hate you, Y/n." She rolled her eyes and shook her head,
"I saved us, be thankful ..."

"now what?" Hoseok asked as he cleaned himself with his light blue handkerchief which had a huge smiley printed on it.

Y/n smirked and swinged the black bag full of money around her shoulder and said, "We are rich for another 2 months, lets party"
"You know you can get a job right?" He said with an eyebrow raised.

"So can you hobi, then why are you here with me?" with that he fell silent.
"We are outcasts ... nobody wants us" she said as she glared at him.

He sighed and nodded in despair cause she was right, they have been outcasts since childhood.
Y/n and Hoseok both were orphans. Both became friends in the orphanage.

They had decent education to earn enough to have a small shelter, food and money but no matter where they went, they always got rejected for some reason.

Both started believing that they were just outcasts and to survive had to do the dirty work of stealing stuff. Both had their backs
and both supported eachother no matter what.

"Let's go now ... we still have to find a place to spend the night" she said as she started walking on the zebra crossing nonchalantly.

"wait- Y/N!!!!" He shouted her name but it was too late. The next thing he saw was the last thing he ever wanted to see in his life.
car accident.

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

"She won't remember her past life..." the doctor said as he examined the brain scan.
Hoseok sat there in shock, "wh-what ..?!"
The doctor sighed and nodded.

there were two policemen in the room too.
Hoseok and Y/n were wanted criminals, very mischievous. As soon as Hoseok had entered the hospital in the ambulance with y/n, police were called.

"I ... I wanna meet her!" He pleaded when suddenly one of the policemen grabbed him by his shoulder and said, "you're coming with us boy"

Hoseok looked at him in disbelief, "Being a thief doesn't make me less of a human! My friend got into an accident!"

The policemen scoffed, "We can't trust you both, you're coming with us. And she? she will be under custody here and when she recovers she will be rotting in prison as well."

Hoseok looked at the doctor helplessly making the doctor sigh, "Let him meet ... but Hoseok... she has damaged brain tissues ... that caused her amnesia"

"amnesia ... ?" He whispered as he felt his whole world fall apart. "She won't remember any of her past life?"
The doctor shook his head, "we're sorry"

Hoseok looked down with tears in his eyes. He sat there in silence for few seconds when an idea popped up in his mind.
He looked at the doctor and asked, "Does this still make her a criminal?"

The doctor's eyebrows crashed together in confusion. "She doesn't remember her past ... you said, that means she doesn't know she was a thief.."

"that ... that doesn't change the fact she stole ...right?" The doctor said and the policemen scoffed, "Don't play Hoseok." one of them said.

"Arrest me but let her go ..." his words coming out softly. "She tried so hard to get a job but they always rejected her ... please ... I want her to use this situation to make a new life for herself ..." He said as he started sobbing.

The two policemen looked at eachother and sighed. "Hoseok ..." the doctor said gently as he looked at the man sobbing for his friend.

The police leader was called by the doctor and after a minute of discussion he agreed.
Hoseok was arrested and was put behind the bars for 2 year, the original tenure was 1 year but he was put in with y/n's charges as well which increased one more year.

And Y/n? she had no idea of the sacrifice he had made for her, she had forgotten him.

She was going to start her new life ... and boy what a life it was going to be

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