Chapter 5

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I quickly closed the wooden box when I heard a knock on the door.
A deep voice spoke from the other side,
"Ya Ujin-ah come in"

He came in with a sweet smile on his face.
I noticed how he looks so much like his father ... Park jimin but his eyes were like Y/n's.

He is the living memory of my brother and his love ... they were alive through their son they left with me to take care of.

"I just came to say goodnight, dad" I smiled widely, what a sweet boy.
"Goodnight, Son and all the best for your finals"

He smiled and nodded. "See you in mornin"
with that he closed the door again.
But suddenly the door opened again and Taehyung looked at Ujin with curious eyes.

"Uh ... also ... I love you, dad" and with that Ujin quickly closed the door and ran away shyly.
Taehyung giggled and shook his head with a smile. "I love you too, son"

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

20 years ago

The C.O.B.R.A HQ

Jungkook's accident wasn't any accident. It was planned. But they couldn't point their finger at who must've done such an act. COBRA had alot of enemies ... which one could've been behind had to be found.

They all were sitting in the lounge. Jungkook had his forehead wrapped in white bandage.
After spending 2 weeks in the hospital he finally came back healthy.

Jimin and Y/n sat side by side. He just glared at the thin air. His glare so sharp, even the wind was too afraid to flow.

Y/n beside him, was instead calm and collected. She smiled at Jungkook as he sat down on the couch adjacent to their's.
"Feeling better..?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Much better" his bunny smile making it's way on his lips as he answered.
Taehyung was sitting opposite to Jimin and Y/n.

Just lost. Taehyung just stared at them but my thoughts were silent. His mind felt like an empty basement where even a slight thought would echo for miles.

Yoongi who sat beside Jungkook, looked at Taehyung and shook his head.

The meeting started.

Throughout the whole meeting tho, Jimin just sat there in silence. Not uttering a single word to contribute into the discussion.
Very unlikely of him but all knew how furious he was.

"Did you check in all the gangs we are known to have enemity with?" Yoongi asked with his arms folded. He was just like his dad. Both attitude and physical traits matched.

But he was slightly softer than him for sure, credits to his mom.

"Hmm but none seem to have done such thing" Suho said as he slid the files towards Yoongi.

Suho was a spy and a detective material. Very trusted one.

Yoongi sighed as he took the files and read them himself. "This doesn't make any sense then" he said.

"Jungkook, what all do you remember from that night?" Suho asked.
Jungkook looked around and saw the anticipated faces in the room.

He licked his dry lips and spoke, "I was in the backseat ..."
He paused, the room filled with dead silence.

"When suddenly I heard a boom and then the car went crazy ... and the driver couldn't control and ... then everything went black."

He looked down feeling guilty of not remembering anything important, "I'm sorry ... i don't remember seeing anyone"

Yoongi patted his back to comfort him.
"No worries, Jake has went to investigate the spot... he'll be back soon"

Taehyung sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"What if it's not someone ... we take as our enemy?" He said as he folded his arms.

Everyone looked at his direction waiting for him to continue. "What if it's someone with whom we may have a contract?"

He said looking directly at Jimin making him getting lost in his thoughts.
Just then the door opened and a man entered the room.

"Jake! perfect timing" Yoongi said as he got up and shook his hand with him.
Jake nodded and then looked at Jimin.
"We found some ... stuff"

"What stuff?" Jungkook asked with keen curiosity. Jake looked behind and signalled one of his men to bring the stuff they found.

The man gave Jake a plastic bag and a folder.
He wore a black rubber glove and then proceeded to open the plastic bag first.

He took out a metallic object that looked like a dart but what caught Jimin's eyes was the 'H' initial on the other end of it.

"Hydra ..." Jimin whispered with a dry throat as the metal shined in Jake's hands.
Taehyung looked away and sighed in disappointment.

"Betrayal. This is Hydra's dart." Y/n looked at Jimin who looked slightly pale but his nerves were visible. He was beyond angry. He was furious. His eyes already had flames.

His glare could melt the metal that dart was made of. "But didn't we have partnership with Hydra?" Jungkook asked as he was bewildered.

Jake then proceeded to open the folders and take out pictures of the scene took from the CCTV cameras present on the road.

"The car is visible here." He said as he kept the pictures on the table. "And here, they shot this dart at the back tire ... where Jungkook was sitting and this caused the accident."

Jimin finally spoke, "Why did they do such a thing. Find out" with that he just got up and left. "Jimin!" Y/n called out his name but he didn't listen and went out.

She sighed and looked at Jungkook. Both looking at eachother with the same concern.
Taehyung too sighed, got up and left.

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

Taehyung looked at the night view from the balcony. He was lost in his own thoughts when suddenly he felt a pat on his back.

Startled he looked behind and saw Yoongi with two drinks. "Hmm here" he said as he handed one to Taehyung and then stood beside him and also started looking at the night view.

"What brought you here?" Taehyung asked,
"You looked peacefully and I crave peace ..."
Yoongi said without looking at him.
Taehyung nodding and again diverted his gaze at the scenery

"You ... like her don't you" Yoongi said with a small smirk on his face, Taehyung scoffing at him.

He was a jerk most of the time but that night
he was a true friend one could ask for.

"It's okay Taehyung-ah ... it's weird coming out of my mouth but ... love requires sacrifice.."
His words made Taehyung look down at his untouched drink.

"I sacrificed my whole life, Yoongi"
"They'll never stop, that's the tragedy of life"
Taehyung laughed slightly.
"When did you become so deep?"
Yoongi just smiled as he stared at the view,

"You all just know my name.." These were his words that still hit like a bullet.

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