Chapter 8

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I sighed remembering the events that followed.

I remember ... Yoongi's state ...

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

Mr.Min slapped Yoongi hard.
"You ungrateful brat! you're gonna betray your own dad hu?!"
"And you betraying the gang?! what about that!?"

"This son of-" His words got cut off by Mrs.Min pleading him to calm down.
"Please ... don't hurt him like that"
Mr.Min scoffed.

"We need to get rid of him ... he'll tell"
He said as he glared at his own son like he was some sort of useless rag to him.
"He is your son! how could you say that?"

"Shut up!" His voice so loud, Mrs. Min froze.
"Money matters so much to you ... that you'll kill your own son?"

Yoongi just stared at the floor, horrified.
"I won't honey ... he will do it himself ..."

The next day ... he was gone

Mr.Min had killed him ... by making him kill himself.

It's not like Yoongi couldn't protect himself, he was strong but ...

he couldn't live such a life ...
That time only when Mr.Min was spatting such words at him, he had made his mind.

Yoongi would rather die than to watch the gang's downfall caused by his own blood.
But he also wasn't any fool.

Yoongi had recorded the conversation in his pocket tape recorder.

But by the time the watch and the recordings reached us ... it was unfortunately too late.

Mr.Min had already done the damage he could.
After the recordings were heard by us we gave him death sentence but ... what was the point now.

Namjoon was coming.
He had planted all sorts of weeds in our garden.

Everything that could go wrong ... went wrong

Jimin felt helpless. He felt out of control.
Y/n was now 8 months pregnant.

He looked at her body sleeping and slowly caressed her hair. His touch so gentle.
"I'm sorry ..." His voice soft as his eyes glistened with tears.

He had guns pointed all around him now. Namjoon was winning.

They won't stop ...

Jimin knew what he had to do next.

He lied down next to Y/n and hugged her.
He snuggled his face in her neck and took in her scent.

The next day he called me to meet him near a river.

The same river where we would play as kids.

That place is full of memories ... good and sad

Taehyung walked towards Jimin who stood there with his hands in his pockets.
"What did you call me for?" He asked dryly.

"Do you remember this place, Tae?"

He called me Tae ...

Taehyung looked at him, a little taken aback.
Jimin looked at Taehyung with a small genuine smile.

"We used to play here ... me... you ...Jungkook."
"What are you implying at"
"You always hated me... cause of my dad"

That was foolishness ...

"But ... I don't want us to end up like them, Tae ... Can we not become true brothers?"
Taehyung just stared at him. He didn't know what was going on in his mind.

"I have a small request ..." Jimin said, his voice shaky.

Say it ... i'll fulfill it with all my life

"What is it?" Taehyung asked with curiosity.
Jimin smiled and looked at the sky,
"You know how messy things have become, right?"

Taehyung nodded and hummed in response.
"So ... I'll have to get out and see things myself ...but.."

"But what..?"
"I need you take Y/n away from here ... somewhere safe"
"What?" He asked again taken aback.

"I know you liked her... and I'm sorry for taking her away from was never my intention"

It hurts ...

"Take her away, Taehyung ... and if I don't come back ... then start a new life with her... away from all this mess"

"What rubbish are you blabbering huh?!" Taehyung shouted.
"And make sure our child never lives such a life"

"SHUT UP JIMIN!" Taehyung finally broke.
Jimin looked at him in shock.
"Don't ... say that ..." Tears fell from his eyes as he looked at his brother.

Jimin giggled, "Come here"

I still feel the warmth of that hug when I hug Ujin

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I still feel the warmth of that hug when I hug Ujin.

A story untold: Jimin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now