Chapter 3

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Y/N ... she was the most beautiful woman I had ever come across ...

She opened her eyes and looked around the hospital room. Her head feeling heavy as her eyes adjusted to the light in the room.

She just looked around in confusion when the door opened revealing a doctor with a note pad. He looked at her and smiled.

"You're awake y/n-ssi?" He asked as he walked towards her to examine as she just stared at him and nodded slowly.

"I don't ... " she whispered, "You don't what?"
he asked as he checked the monitors.
"... remember anything" she said with a dry throat.

He sighed and looked at her, "It's okay, you got into a car accident so you ended up here."
"But ... who are my parents?"
He paused and fixed his glasses and was about to speak when a nurse entered the room.

"Dr. Jin ... sorry but we have an emergency."
He nodded his head, "I'll be back, Y/n."
"But doc-" and he left. She sighed as she stared at the ceiling with a single tear leaving her eyes.

Jin entered his office and saw the two people sitting there. They both greeted him and he responded with a smile. He sat down and asked, "How may I help you?"

He was slightly confused, he thought the nurse meant some emergency surgery but this didn't seem so important. There were two people waiting for him in his clinic.

A man and a woman.

You know ... when things are meant to happen they just happen ... somehow without making any sense ...and here too something like this happened.

The man and the woman were Mr. and Mrs. Min. Both were part of our gang and their son Min Yoongi was also a part. People were scared of him but he isn't the topic here.

They both had come to take y/n ... why?

"We know what happened..." Mrs. Min said making Jin confused, "Hmm?" he hummed as he looked at her.
"We need Y/n." Mr.Min said.
"What?" he asked.

"Y/n and Jung Hoseok ... both were wanted criminals and we? we are a home for people like them. Hoseok was given away leaving Y/n ... we need her." Mr. Min said as he folded his arms and had the 'business man' look.

Jin was beyond bewildered. "I don't understand this ... I don't think we can do that and why did you contact me?!"
"We have been keeping eye on both of them since a long time and we need them in our gang ... and we asked you cause well ... you are the head here aren't you?"

Jin just looked at them in disbelief. How more insane can things become. "But ... No."
He said sternly. "No? huh?" Mr. Min said with an eyebrow raised.

"Do you know who we are Dr.Kim..?"

Both threatened Jin that they would kill his family ... cliche

But he got scared of course after all everyone knew about the terror about C.O.B.R.A.

Jin should've informed the police?
If only it was that easy ... it wasn't.

Mr.Min and Mrs.Min entered Y/n's room with a small bag of clothes and a very convincing smile. "Y/n-ah! sweety!" Mrs.Min said as she hugged her.

"M-mom ...?" She whispered and Mrs.Min nodded with a smile. She then looked at Mr.Min. "d-dad ..?" He nodded with a small smile.

And with that ... her life changed

A woman who was once orphaned now had parents.

A woman who stole to survive now lived in a mansion.

A woman who had only one person who genuinely cared now forgot him.

And a woman who is now someone she never imagined she would be.

Their car stopped infront of the door. She stepped out as she looked around the big house.

She didn't remember any of this ... she felt alienated. She didn't feel right but what could she even do.

She entered the big mansion and saw alot of men and women in black suits.
She was confused. "Who are they ..?" She asked as Mrs.Min just smiled.

"Yoongi!" Mr.Min called his son. His footsteps echoing as he walked with his hands in his pocket.
"Yes dad?"
"Meet your ... 'sister' son" He looked at Y/n and glared at her making her nervous.

He scoffed, "Sister ..." He whispered inaudibly "8th sister this month ..." Mr.Min put a hand on his shoulder and said, "You know what to do, son" He rolled his eyes, "You won't even give her some time to adjust?"
Mr.Min smirked and walked away followed by Mrs.Min.

"I don't understand ..." She said softly.
"You don't need to ... come with me." He commanded and she followed.

He was taking her to the trainee section. They were cruel ... they were going to brainwash her so even the slight chance of her getting her memories back would be destroyed.

But to her luck ... we bumped into eachother

"Omg i'm so sorry!" She apologised to him nervously making Yoongi scoff.
But he just stared at her in silence.

Love at first sight

"Come" Yoongi commanded and they were about to walk away when, "Where are you taking her? and who is she?"
"The place where all new recruits go and why do you want to know? you barely take interest."

"Who's orders are you following?"
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "My parents"
Y/n's eyebrows crashed together slightly seeing he didn't mention 'our' parents but just remained silent.

Taehyung looked at her and something inside him felt weird. "She's not going to be a recruit." Yoongi looked at him in disbelief,
"The fuck dude?"

I had grabbed her hand and walked away. I felt stupidly dumb for doing that but I also knew that ... it was right

and yes it was

I look handsome don't I ?

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I look handsome don't I ?

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