Chapter 1

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Let's go back to ... 20 years ago

At the very beginning


Asia's one of the largest gang, lead by ...
the one ... Park Jimin

He was everything to be envied of.
Charming, Cold, Rude, Intelligent and Clever as hell

He had two cousins, Jeon Jungkook and ...

Jungkook was the son of the youngest brother among our dads.
He was the kind one, lowkey the only person balancing the good and the bad in the gang.
He was smart, he knew his ways.
He knew how to kill as well as how to save.

Then comes ... me ... Kim Taehyung.
I was the cunning one, legit robot. No emotions on my face. Had no control over my anger, and was a great fighter.
Only soft to Jungkook.

Now here's the thing ... I hated Jimin.

He was the oldest among us, but I didn't like the fact that he was getting the throne ... I thought either me ... or Jungkook deserved it more ... but not him

I had a reason.

Our dads.

My dad was always treated like an outsider by Jimin's dad ... and that angered every cell in my body seeing my dad try so hard yet get treated like he was nothing but a fucking burden.

Jungkook was satisfied with anything and he was adored by both of us. He was the youngest. His dad had sacrificed his life for Mine and Jimin's dad ... and Jungkook was always proud of his father, as he should be.

Jungkook only had me and Jimin, after his mom too left the world two years later after his dad.

He was also the reason me and Jimin hadn't killed eachother in our feud, boy was really disappointed all the time.

This is our story ...

☼︎ ☼︎ ☼︎

10th march (20 years ago)

"What the hell is this?!" Taehyung asked as he threw the file on Jimin's desk, making him look at Taehyung with a cold gaze.

"You're literally gonna terminate a contract my dad had worked so hard for just like that?!"
Jimin sighed, "Things are changing, Taehyung... this weapon company was famous back in our dads' time, not ours."

Taehyung scoffed, "Yeah? So what about the partnership your dad did with Hydra? didn't hydra went corrupt like 2 months ago?"
"Taehyung we ha-"
"Oh shut it, Jimin."

Jimin just stared at Taehyung with stone cold eyes.
"You are after all ... son of your dad"
Scrunching of paper echoed in the room as Jimin nearly ripped the page, trying his best to control his anger as he managed to maintain his expressions.

Taehyung scoffed, "Fair enough."
he went out and slammed the door of Jimin's office shut.
Jimin closed his eyes as he exhaled the long held breath and slowly relaxed his fist letting of go the paper which was now densely wrinkled.

Just then he heard the door again open with a small creak.
"Ah Jungkook ..."

Jungkook pointed outside the door,
"I saw Taehyungssi stomping out, yall again fought?" he said now pointing at Jimin.

Jimin shook his head and sighed, "You should get used to it all now ..."
"I don't wanna ..." Jungkook said making Jimin look at him with curious eyes.

"You only know someone means alot when you lose them, Jimin-ssi" Jungkook's words coming out as soft and gentle.
With a small smile he said, "I have some work to do, see you around hyung."
With that he exited Jimin's office, leaving him struck and dumbfounded.

I heard those words ... I was there standing by the door and as soon as I heard Jungkook come out of the office, I ran and hid behind a wall.

I guess, he was the smarter one among us, Jimin ah

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