After Effects

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Back on the Kent farm Lois sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket, water in hand with tears streaming down her face. The blonde figure sat next to Lois; arm wrapped around her comforting Lois. The TV was on broadcasting the breaking news. The tagline running across the bottom of the broadcast stated, 'Red skies vanish, Superman gone?' The news anchor sits in up straight staring down the lens of the camera and starts to read the teleprompter that just stood out of shot behind the camera.

"Today has been a long day that thankfully is drawing to a close, but in our final broadcast this evening we have been informed by one credible source that after today's events we regret to inform you" the anchor starts to choke up as she read the final part of the script. "We regret to inform you that after today's events we have suffered the loss of the man known to us as.... Superman." After reading the final part of the scrip the anchor breaks down into tears walking off the set as the broadcast cuts out.

Although Lois already had her suspicions, she now had it finally confirmed, her husband was dead, the love of her life was dead, Superman was dead. She fell into the women's arm weeping uncontrollably as the women stroked Lois's head trying to calm her down, although failing. They sat there until Lois finally cried herself to sleep. The women carried Lois to the bed upstairs and laid her on it a softly as she could. The woman walked down the stairs looking at the photos of Clark, Lois and the Kents. While looking at one photo she is reminded back to a conversation she had with Clark a few days ago.

A few days ago

Clark was hovering in the air in his Kryptonian suit. He hovered in the air listening to the world around him feeling the breeze blowing through his hair. His cape flapping in the wind as he waited for his guest to arrive. Soon she arrived hovering next to him.

"Hello Kara" Clark said as she arrived. "I know you know my time on Earth is limited and I've called you here to discuss what is to happen when I'm gone." Clark turned to face Kara she hovered in her own Kryptonian suit with their coat of arms fashioned onto the front. "I need you to keep protecting this world once I am gone, this world needs a hero. This world needs a symbol, this world needs you." Kara is surprised at what Clark is asking of her, but she nods her head in agreement understanding this is his final request before he dies.

Present day

Kara walks out of the front of the Kentfarmhouse looking up to the now night sky. Kara flew up into the sky lookingover the place her cousin had called home for most of his life, the place shenow must call home. However, Kara did not grow up on Earth and only landed twoyears ago. She could not understand why Clark cared for humanity so much, withhis power he should have been above such things as humanity, friends, and love.But now that Clark was gone, she was made the protector of Earth. Since she hadbeen on Earth Kara had learned of the heroic feats her cousin had preformed asSuperman and as Clark Kent. Superman had saved so many people during his timeon Earth, and battled villains like Luthor, Mongal and Manchester Black. Timeand time again he prevailed finally giving up his life to save the dying sun. Karahad seen the strain being Superman had caused Clark, and she could notcomprehend why he continued to be Superman.

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