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Two Weeks Ago

Kara stood on the Kent farm, she was dressed in black joggers and a pure white tank top. Clark stood not too far from her with his arms crossed looking out into the field. Kara walked up to Clark until she was stood beside him trying to grasp his interest in the muddy field. Clark had been slowly showing Kara how to control her powers since she had landed on Earth, today's lesson was heat vision. Clark pointed out to the field signalling to the target that were placed on the opposite side of the field. Clark explained to Kara how he uses the power and demonstrates this by hitting the first target as it shattered into a thousand splinters. Clark gestured for Kara to give it an attempt. As Kara focused on the target her eyes began to glow, after a few seconds her heat vision shot out uncontrollably. At first, she destroyed the target at the end of the field, however once the target was destroyed Kara's heat vision didn't stop. Kara started to panic moving her head carving a jagged line in the field she was still looking out onto. Clark quickly reacted moving his hands over Kara's eyes holding back the beams. Clark slowly tried calming Kara down helping her stop the beam from escaping her eyes. Once the situation had died down Kara sat on a bench just outside the farmhouse. Soon Clark joined her out on the bench sitting down next to her, a silence hung in the air for a few moments before Kara broke it with an outburst of apologies. Clark slowed her apologies reassuring her it was alright, he explained how hard it was when he first started using his powers and how even he made mistakes, but he was here to help her learn how to control these powers, so she doesn't hurt anyone who doesn't have the fortune of being the man of steel. They chuckled together before walking back inside the farmhouse.

Present Day

Kara stood in the middle of the living room in her kryptonion suit. The suit was mainly scaled in blue with red boots and the house of El's coat of arms woven onto the front. The suit had a long scarlet cape which followed behind Kara just inches from touching the floor. Lois sat in shock with the realisation of what Kara was showing her dawning on her. Lois stood up looking at the suit in all its glory.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Lois questioned looking at Kara with care and worry plastered over her face. Kara picked up a side of the cape rubbing the substance between her fingers. The cape was made out the same delicate substance that her and Clark's escape pods were filled with. She looked down gazing upon the S plastered across her chest, before finally looking back at Lois before breaking her silence.

"With every fibre in my body" Kara repliedintensely.

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