Outside Help

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Kara woke up the next day and immediately started her search into this new Superman. Kara turned on her computer that Clark had got her soon after she arrived on Earth. Kara sat staring at the monitor and slowly tapping the keys on her keyboard as Lois walked past the ajar door with a smile. Lois walked into the room asking Kara what she was doing and if she needed help. Kara explained what she was trying to do but is struggling to get to grips with how computers work. Lois sat down next to Kara offering her help with the problem to which Kara gracefully accepted. They sat at the computer for hours going over facts and sightings of the new Superman. Finding very little Kara pushed away from the computer in frustration and going out on the balcony roof to get some fresh air. Lois followed Kara out onto the roof, sitting beside her.

"It takes time with these sorts of things especially when there isn't much to go off" Lois stated trying to ease Kara's thoughts. Lois suddenly had an idea getting up and going to her phone. She spoke on the phone for a little bit before turning around to Kara and saying, "You up for a road trip?"

Wayne Manor

Kara floated down toward the mansion in the middle of nowhere with Lois resting on her shoulder as her feet touched the ground. Lois walked up to the door ringing the doorbell which caused the bats hanging under the roof to fly away into the nights sky. After a little while the door creaked open and a man in his late 40s stood in the doorway. He looked at both Kara and Lois with a menacing scowl before Lois spoke up, "Stop trying to scare her Bruce". Bruce stopped glaring and finally had a smile upon his face hugging Lois and inviting her and Kara in. They walked through the long hallway the artwork hanging from the wall creating the gothic tone the mansion gave off. Finally, after a long walk they arrived at the dining room. They walked into the room the long table stretching from each end of the room with windows spaced equally across the far wall. A fireplace sat at one end of the room with a large painting hovering above it. The large painting was of a family, the three members of the family stood stoic in the picture, they looked proud. Kara looked at the painting, it reminding her of her family on Krypton. Bruce asked Lois and Kara to sit before they all started to chat.

"So, what brings you to Gotham?" Bruce started looking at both Lois and Kara. Lois looked at Kara signalling her to talk.

"We were wondering if you knew anything about this new Superman that has been flying around Metropolis?" Kara asked in a nervous tone. Bruce sipped his tea before speaking.

"What I know is it isn't Clark" Bruce stated in a confident tone. Kara and Lois looked at Bruce looking for an explanation. Bruce cleared his throat as he sat upright in his chair. "The thing flying around Metropolis clearly isn't Clark, first I did multiple studies on him before he died and there was no possible way for him to survive. Secondly even if by the miniscule chance he did survive the first thing he would do upon returning to Earth would be to see Lois, and by your lack of joy he clearly hasn't done that. Finally, his first public appearance he killed a man that he could have easily detained, the Clark I knew would never kill" Bruce finished his explanation as Kara and Lois looked upset. Kara got up and started to leave, rushing out the front door and flying up into the sky, tears falling from her eyes as she sawed through the air. Bruce and Lois sat there in silence for a little while before Lois broke the silence asking how he was taking Clark's death. Bruce looked down at his drink before answering. "Clark was like a brother to me, when he told me what had happened, I did everything in my power to keep him alive, but I failed. Now he's gone and its hard, but we must keep moving forward, mourn the lost, to deliver a better future."

"I don't know how you keep going Bruce, after everything you have lost. How do you do it?" Lois questioned. Bruce looked back at Lois with a faint smile.

"Something your husband taught me a long time ago when we first met, hope. Hope for justice, hope for a better tomorrow, hope we can be better." Bruce stood up walking to the small picture he had on his fireplace. The picture of him and Clark, Clark's finger in his mouth forcing him to smile. Bruce then went over to Lois helping her up and walking her to the door.

"How Dick, Barbara and Tim?" Lois asked as they walked down the hallway.

"I haven't spoke to Dick in two years when he left for Blüdhaven, Barbara is still working for me as Oracle and as a police detective at GCPD and Tim is out on patrol but he's doing alright." They reached the door and Bruce opened it to let Lois out as a car pulled round to drive Lois back to Metropolis. "Also, Lois congratulations on the pregnancy" Bruce said smiling. Lois looked back confused how Bruce knew. "Come on Lois, of course I know, I'm Batman" Bruce said with a smile. "And Clark also knew, he could her the heartbeat. He would have been a great farther" Bruce finished before Lois left with a smile heading back to Metropolis.

Secret Lab

Lord walked into the lad slowly approaching the scientist that he had recruited as he looked over the Superman.

"Is everything good doctor?" Lord asked as he reached the scientist. The scientist turned and nodded leading Lord to make his statement. "Good I need you to do something for me. Kill Lois Lane!"

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