Fire In Their Eyes

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Kara floated in the sky still upset from the meeting her and Lois just had with Bruce. She got a text from Lois letting Kara know Bruce called her a ride back to the Kent farm. Kara floated letting the breeze of the wind flow through her hair. The breeze of the wind in the sky always calmed Kara down, ever since Clark showed her when she first got to Earth.

2 Years ago

Kara stood in the field looking up at the stars in the sky dried tears stained her face from remembering all she had lost. Clark came walking through the field approaching Kara placing one of his hands on her shoulder. He turned Kara around and told her to follow him as he shot up into the sky. Kara followed catching up to where Clark had flown up to, the air soft and smooth. Above the clouds the clear sky created a calmness relaxing Kara.

"I come up here to clear my head when I get overwhelmed" Clark stated slowly breathing out. "Life is so much simpler up here, no pain, no danger just pure bliss." Clark stretched his arms out closing his eyes and leaning backwards in the void of the sky.

Current Day

Kara closed her eyes stretched out her arms breathing out as leant backwards. The clouds below floated by the odd plane would crash through them every now and again but that was a no problem for Kara, this was her happy place. No pain, no danger just pure bliss. Kara stayed there floating in the sky letting the world carry on below.

Secret Lab

The scientist rushed to Lord nervously asking questions about Lords demands. The Superman stood still and silent in the darkness of the lab as the scientist and Lord spoke.

"Lois lane is getting too close to what we are doing. If she is not delt with now she will uncover my entire operation. That cannot happen! So, I don't care what you think personally doctor I want Lois Lane dead! Understand?" Lord question with a serious look. The scientist sighed before nodding his head and walking over to the Superman. Lord entered the elevator that was waiting for him before smiling as it took him up to the upper level of his HQ. The scientist stood in front of the Superman before giving him his orders.

"Kill Lois Lane" the scientist sighed. The Superman looked up his eyes glowing red before he shot out of the room.

Daily Planet

Lois arrived at the top floor of the Daily Planet heading straight for Perry White's office. Jimmy noticed Lois storming through the office and ran after her as she stormed into White's office. She stood in front of Perry as he looked up from the pile of sheets on his desk. Perry question what Lois wanted. Lois pitched her story about the Superman providing all her evidence on the story. Perry looked through the prof Lois had when Cat Grant came running into the office.

"It Superman he's outside!" Cat blurted out. Lois, Perry and Jimmy looked at her with confused looks before Cat looked at Lois. "He wants you, Lois" Cat finished. The Superman floated in the air arms crossed waiting for Lois. Lois walked nervously onto the balcony slowly stepping closer to the Superman. He stared at her as he floated down onto the balcony.

"What do you want?" Lois asked nervously. The Superman's eyes stayed unaverred locked onto Lois. He finally spoke.

"Kill...Lois...Lane" The Superman slowly muttered out his voice slow and croaky. Lois's eyes widened realising what was about to happen stepping backwards in fear.

"KARA!" Lois screamed in fear. The Superman's eyes started to glow red his heat vision getting ready to shoot. Suddenly Kara shot down smashing the Superman through the balcony crashing them onto the street below. Bricks from the balcony started to fall below as Lois shot straight back into the Daily Planet and rushing down the stairs trying to catch up with Kara and the Superman. She made it down a couple of floors before being knocked out by a mysterious figure. Meanwhile down on the street the dust started to settle from the crash the two superhumans had just caused. The crash had caused a creator in the street. Kara was the first to stand up looking for the Superman. He was laying on the ground unconscious. His eyes started to open as he grabbed the broken street to steady him as he roose to his feet. His face turned into a scowl as his eyes locked on Kara, he screamed as he shot straight into Kara sending them up into the sky. The Superman threw a punch which Kara caught chucking him back to the ground and back into the creator. She shot down grabbing the Superman by the collar before hitting him with a solid punch into the ground. Kara started to drag the Superman out of the creator pulling him onto the main street. By this point the army had started to arrive in Metropolis and had their guns aimed at Kara and the Superman. Kara dropped the Superman in front of the army his suit torn from the fight. Just then the Superman woke up, standing up immediately and shooting Kara with his heat vision. Kara put up her arms to block the attack, even with the block the heat vision still pushed Kara back her feet destroying the road as she was forced backwards. Realising this wasn't effective the Superman turned around looking at the multiple soldiers aiming their guns at him. He smiled as he started to use his heat vision on the soldiers. As Kara saw this, she sped in front of the soldiers no able to get her arms up to block causing her to get hit into the air. The Superman zoomed to Kara in the sky hitting her with punches sending her flying through the city. He shot in front of her grabbing Kara by the head and crashing her through a building. Floor by floor Kara was pushed through until they reached the bottom destroying the building. The building collapsed on top of Kara as the Superman shot up into the air watching the destruction. Kara stood up pushing a massive piece of rubble of her as the dust on her suit started to fall of and settle on the ground. As Kara stood up, she could hear the screams of pain and cries of civilians around her. The screams brought back memories of Krypton in its final moments as Kara escaped as other cried out for help. Kara looked up with tears in her eyes seeing the Superman just floating in the sky, uncaring. Kara shot up tackling The Superman crashing them into a deserted field on the outskirts of Metropolis. Mud and dirt splashed everywhere as the two super humans got up ready to fight.

"You killed those people, innocent people.... DON'T YOU CARE!" Kara shouted at the Superman. He stood there staring at Kara his suit ripped with the S hanging of revealing the scar across his body. He Looked at the fallen logo on his chest muttering only one phrase.

"Kill.... Lois.... Lane!" He looked back up at Kara who shook her head.

"I'll never let that happen!" Kara stated determined her eyes glowing red with anger and sadness. The Superman rushed for Kara. As he did Kara remembered Clark's teachings about heat vision.

4 Months Ago

"With heat vision it is a dangerous power to have. It can destroy everything if not handled correctly and is the hardest to master." Clark stated looking out over the farm. Kara stood next to him asking how he controls his. "I don't" Clark stated. Kara looked at him confused encouraging him to explain. "I use my heat vision as a last resort. It is all of my anger let out in one blast, a hail Mary if you will" Clark smiled. "But anger isn't an emotion I give into very often only when I have to. Once you master your anger the heat vision will come shortly after" Clark finished staring out into the stars.

Modern Day

Kara opened her eye the red of rage building in her eye before she let out a scream. Heat vision shot from her eyes in a flood of red devouring the Superman and anything in its path.

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