The Birth Of Supergirl

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The next day Lois woke up in her bed, the countryside sun shooting through the window with her hand laying on the mattress where Clark used to be. She rubbed her still bruised red eyes and gathered her bearings before throwing her legs over the side of the bed and standing up. Still dressed in the clothes she was in yesterday she walked down the stairs as the piercing aroma of breakfast entered her nose. Kara was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, she was dressed in a creased buttoned white shirt and black suit trousers clearly too short for her, as the trousers only reached the top of her shins. Kara was wearing Lois's clothes. Although Kara had been on Earth for two years, she hadn't really been out into the outside world usually being stuck on the Kent farm as to not accidently endanger civilians with her powers. Due to being on the farm for two years Kara had not become accustomed to Earth's general norms. Lois entered the kitchen making a joke about Kara's un-ironed clothes causing Kara to look at Lois with a confused expression. Lois laughed at Kara's innocence offering to help her sort in out later. Kara served up breakfast for her and Lois, breakfast was bacon and eggs with a cup of coffee. During breakfast Kara and Lois talked about what to do during the day and the differences between krypton and Earth. After breakfast Kara cleared the table pouring the coffee away and washing up the dishes, before Lois returned with clothes Kara will fit into, they had decided to go into Metropolis and familiarise Kara with the city.

They walked through the city, block by block walking past many people just going about their day. The skyscrapers around them piercing the blue sky, one skyscraper stood out though the Daily Planet. The skyscraper was a tall solid structure with a huge golden planet standing proudly on the top. The building had construction on the top floor due to the battle the day before with the construction workers repairing the broken window. They wandered a bit further into Metropolis finally arriving at the national park where they sat on a secluded bench near to the centre of the park. The wind gushed around them; the silence hung in the air before Lois finally broke it.

"I'm pregnant" Lois blurted out to Kara's surprised look. Kara remained silent whilst staring at Lois bewildered at how Lois had become pregnant and what this meant for the Kryptonian linage going into the future. Lois awaited Kara's response seeing she was trying to process what this meant and how it was even possible. Kara finally broke the silence.

"I don't know how things work here on Earth but on Krypton that is usually a good thing, but you seem saddened by this news?" Kara questioned. Lois sighed confirming Kara's suspicions but explained her fears of having a half Earth and half Kryptonian baby, how it would work and what it meant going forward in hers and the child life, how she would handle the baby as it grows up and what if the baby develops powers like Clark or Kara. When Clark arrived in Smallville he was baby and had the powers he would later use to save the world what if the same happened with this baby. Kara comforted Lois reassuring her it would be okay, and she will provide any help that Lois needed during the pregnancy. After a little while they left the park to return to the farm.

When they arrived back to the farm they sat on the couch and turned on the TV changing the channel to the Metropolis news. During the broadcast Kara walked back into the room she had been staying in since arriving on Earth. Her room was bear with only essentials and a few items Kara had acquired whilst being out on the farm. She looked at her suit hanging on the doorframe. After a few minutes Kara returned to the living room, where Lois was still sitting, she stood proudly in her suit whilst Lois turned her head to face her.

"Ta da" Kara stated with a proud grin on herface.

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