Blood Spilled

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Kent Farm

Lois was driving down the road to Kent farm the dirt being pushed aside by the tires and the stones flicking up hitting the wheels and the undercarriage of the car. As she pulled into the drive of the farm Lois jumped out of the car rushing into the house disregarding the car, her shoes, and the door as she swung it open almost breaking it off its hinges. She ran up the stairs and into Kara's room, where she found Kara unconscious on the floor. Lois got low to Kara checking to see what was wrong before finally seeing the glowing green bullet lodged into Kara's shoulder. Quickly remembering what to do Lois rushed back down the stairs to get the plyers and kryptonite scapple she had kept from her infrequent times she had to use it on Clark. Still going at top speed Lois got back up the stairs knowing she had to act quick. Lois got to work quickly using the kryptonite scapple to open the wound up, so she had more room to remove the bullet. As she cut into Kara's skin veins of green started to expand from the wound almost reaching the side of her face. Lois stuck the plyers into Kara's arm fiddling around until she felt the bullet. Although not a trained doctor Lois's father taught her how to do basic medical training, and a few advanced bits, just in case she needed it in the future. Finally pulling the bullet out of Kara's shoulder and removing it from hew vicinity along with the tools Lois had used. After Lois was done, she moved Kara to her bed providing her with a more comfortable surface. After a few minutes Kara's green veins started to diminish and her wound started to heal. The wound closed leaving a scar in its wake.

A Few Hours Later

Kara woke up laying on her bed, she had her sleep wear on as Lois sat on a chair next to Kara's bed. She had fell asleep in the chair still in her work clothes. Kara tapped Lois's knee causing her to wake up leaning forward to make sure Kara was okay. Kara sat up slowly asking Lois what happened clutching at her shoulder rubbing over her newly formed scar. Lois filled Kara in on what happened when she arrived at the farmhouse explaining how she removed the bullet and took her suit to wash the blood out of the moulds. Lois then asked how Kara got shot, Kara looked down in embarrassment remembering how the injury occurred. Ashamed Kara explained how she got shot to Lois, after Kara had finished explaining she looked back at Lois who was giving a caring but concerned look.

"Look Kara, I know you want to be just like Clark, be the hero of Metropolis but you have a lot to learn just like Clark did when he stated being Superman. So, don't put all this pressure on your shoulders because you have something Clark didn't you have help. I will always be there to patch you up; I will always be there to give you advice and I will always be there to support you in whatever you want to do" Lois explained to Kara. Kara looked at Lois before going in for a hug thanking Lois in the process. "Now you will need to rest for a little bit before you go back out to save people all you will be no help to anyone" Lois stated as they left the room and walked downstairs. While downstairs Lois provided them with dinner while they watched the TV.


Metropolis was alive with chatter of the public walking down the street rushing to where they need to be whilst walking past the many stores showcasing their items in the shop windows. Finally, one noise could be heard over the others, the voice of Bloodsport. He strolled down the street covered head to toe in camo armour and a skull shaped helmet. His many guns covered the armour with his trusty pistol still stuck to his hand.

"Now I know the girl with the S on her chest I shot earlier is still alive, because believe it or not I have basic cable and I am very observant. So, I am here to finish the job, and as a little incentive if you do come to fight me, I will start shooting civilians..." Bloodsport exclaimed before being interrupted. The man stood there, standing up slowly after landing on the street causing fracture to appear under his feet. His blue suit shone in the glow of the sunlight with the wind gushing through his cape throwing it into the air. Finally, the S on his chest confirmed who it was. "Superman?" Bloodsport questioned confused at how he was still alive. Before His question could be answered he lifted his gun preparing to shoot, however in the blink of an eye Superman was in front of Bloodsport and had crushed the gun in his hand.

Kent farm

Kara and Lois were wating the action from the TV in shock of how Superman was alive. Kara looked across to Lois who was intently watching the TV trying to work out how her husband was still alive.


Bloodsport was at Superman's mercy holding his hands up in defeat, Superman having destroyed his only offence against him. As Superman held Bloodsport Jimmy Olsen came running round the corner trying to capture pictures of the returning hero. People started to cheer realizing the man of steel had returned. As Superman stood in victory Bloodsport spoke to him.

"Take me back to prison then boy scout" he exclaimed with a cocky smile on his face. Superman looked back at Bloodsport after a quick look at the cheering crowd. He moved his hand from the chest plate to Bloodsport's throat and lifting him up into the sky. His eyes turned to a glowing dark red as his grip tightened around Bloodsport's throat. Bloodsport started to struggle in Superman's grip trying to loosen his grip but to no avail. Finally, Bloodsport takes his final breath as Superman crushes his neck. The crowd stopped cheering immediately cowering back in fear after seeing what the man of steel had just done. Jimmy's mouth swung low in shock, shaking his head in disbelief after witnessing what his friend had just done.

Kent Farm

Lois shot up eyes wide, mouth open Kara havingthe same response but with less disgust. Both looking at each other wonderingwhat has happened to Superman.

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