The Royals group chat

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*littlecarly Created a group chat*
*littlecarly Added Little_Kelly, Littleleo, Raven_Awesome and 2 others*

littlecarly: hello!
Little_kelly: Hi!
Raven_Awesome: Whatcha want?
Littleleo: Hey guys!
littlecarly: raven what do you mean?
Raven_Awesome: I mwan what I sat I Meab
Littleleo: I lost 1,000 brain cells trying to translate that...
littlecarly: Raven, SPELL!
Raven_Awesome: *I mean what I sat I mean*
Littleleo: Sat? XD
Raven_Awesome: *Say*

*littlecarly renamed Raven_Awesome to Mr.icantspell*

Mr.icantspell: I appreciate that 🙄
Littleleo: what even happened dude?
Little_Kelly: who have you been sending the words "Meab" and "Mwan" to? XD
Mr.icantspell: Nobody impoetabt
Littleleo: nobody what-what?
Mr.icantspell: *important
Little_donny: Wtf did I just come on to see?
littlecarly: One guy who CLEARLY cant spell 🙄
Mr.icantspell: hey! Back in the orphanage, I nvr got Tayfht how to spll
Little_donny: Am I hallucinating or did he literally just type Tayfht? XD 🤣
Mr.icantspell: I said, in the orphanage, I nvr
Mr.icantspell: Never got Taught how to spell.
littlecarly: ok?! XD
Little_kelly: is it just us on this?
Littleleo: no, theres also little_leah.
Little_leah: hiya
littlecarly: omg, please say that you can spell.
Little_leah: yas, I just sometimes to shortwe language.
Little_kelly: Shortwe? 😑
littlecarly: you mean shorter?
Little_leah: yes, thank you carly. I'm not used to this sort of thing.

*Little_kelly left*
*littlecarly renamed littlecarly to Princess_carly*
*Little_donny renamed Little_donny to Prince_ofMC*
*Mr.icantspell renamed Mr.icantspell to Raven_dedpotato*

Prince_ofMC: Why did you name yourself to that?
Raven_dedpotato: why not?
Princess_carly: I think we annoyed kelly so much she left.
Littleleo: lol

This Idea is based off of CandySweetzRopo 's book of little club chats!

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