Late night call (BONUS PT4)

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(Bonus part 4)

For context, Little Kelly is still on the plane. Raven told Kelly to call him if she has any issues or problems. she hasn't been able to get much sleep. She kept Drifting off and waking back up again. She was a little bit overwhelmed by Everything and called Raven for emotional Support.


Incoming Call

Raven: Hello?

Kelly: H-Hi..

Raven: Is everything okay?

Kelly: I'm scared...

Raven: What's the matter?! Are you okay?!

Kelly: I can't sleep and anytime I do, I end up having a bad dream of the plane crashing.

Raven: It's alright... Just listen to me. You will be fine.

Kelly was Hyperventilating behind the phone. He could hear her heavy breathing and began to soothe her.

Raven: Kelly... Listen to me. Focus on my voice. What time is it currently?

Kelly: Uh... I-I... uhm... pauses and hyperventilates more 3... 3:34?

Raven: Good, Good. And what time are you coming back?

Kelly: T-ten Am..

Raven: And how long is that away?

Kelly: N-nearly S-seven hours...

Raven: focus on my voice... Alright. You will be fine.. Just take a moment. Whats something you can see? Any colours?

Kelly: M-mostly white. There is a chair infront of me... People around me sleeping... overhead Baggage areas... A TV...

Raven: Good, What about Things you can Hear?

Kelly: People snoring, The plane noises... Faint talking...

Raven: How'd you feel now?

Kelly: Better? How does that work...?

Raven: I used simple Distracting Techniques to calm you down. I got you focused on things around you and not about panicking.

Kelly: Thank you... I hate this flight so much...

Raven: I know...

They settled into a comfortable silence for a While. They were both staring at eachother through the phone screen (They're on Video Call).

They spoke to eachother for a While and played a few games. After a While, Kelly fell asleep on the phone to him. He Smiled.

Raven: Sweet dreams.

Call ended.

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