The Private group chat (PT 2)

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(This only has Kelly, Carly, Raven and leo)

Carlito_Carly: So Kelly, Why is it taking you 17 hours to get back?

LK: Hollywood is 17 hours away from Dublin.

Carlito_Carly: OH

Ramonas_son: Carly, please let me change my name

Carlito_Carly: fine but you owe me €50.

Ramonas_son: I owe you what now? I don't speak money.

LK: She means 50 quid.

Ramonas_son: oh, okay.

*Ramonas_son changed their name to Ravo_Kaven*

LK: of course he did =/

Ravo_Kaven: You love me really and you know it ;)

Carlito_Carly: 🍿

LK: Raven, no.

Ravo_Kaven: It's true. I see the way you've been looking at me lately :)

LK: What do you mean?

Ravo_Kaven: you've made it Very clear, like crystal clear. I can tell.

LK: What?

Ravo_Kaven: I can tell that you like me.

LK: how would you know -_-

Ravo_Kaven: I can pick up on the signs.

Carlito_Carly: This is the one movie that I don't have to pay for. This is a great movie 🍿

LK: Carly, stop.

Carlito_Carly: Defensive =)

Ravo_Kaven: I want a truthful awnser.

Carlito_Carly: OH...

Ravo_Kaven: Carly no. I want the truth. Okay?

LK: are we seriously still talking about this?

Ravo_Kaven: enough of the games and jokes. Little Kelly, Do you love me?

LK: ...

Ravo_Kaven: Do you?

(PT3 coming soon)

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