3:00 am thoughts.

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Raveeeen: Leo
Raveeeen: Leo!
Raveeeen: Leeoo!
Raveeeen: Leeeooo!

Leonardo_Dicaprio: What!!!!!

Raveeeen: people wear their wedding ring on their left ring finger because there is a vein from that hand that goes straight to your heart!

Leonardo_Dicaprio: Cool ig?

Raveeeen: If you drop a bar of soap on the floor, is the floor clean or the soap dirty?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: Oh -_-
Leonardo_Dicaprio: i see what you're doing now.

Raveeeen: if you punch yourself and it hurts, are you weak or stong?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: No you're just an idiot.

Raveeeen: If you are trying to fail and you succeed, did you truly fail or succeed?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: Mate its 3:00 am. Ask google.

Raveeeen: If revenge is a dish that’s best served cold, and revenge is sweet, then is revenge ice cream?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: I dont know why I even try with you -_-
Leonardo_Dicaprio: Go
Leonardo_Dicaprio: To
Leonardo_Dicaprio: Sleep!!!!

Raveeeen: Why is it called rush hour when it is actually the slowest time of the day?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: Why do you think that I have the answers to these Questions!
Leonardo_Dicaprio: I swear you are googling these...

Raveeeen: If Cinderella's shoe fit her perfectly, then why did it fall off?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: Story logic.

Raveeeen: What is at the bottom of the ocean?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: do you ever stop?!

Raveeeen: if you enjoyed wasting time, then did you really waste time?

Leonardo_Dicaprio: I'm one more nonsense Text away from Blocking you.

Raveeeen: Do fish ever get seasick?

*Leonardo_Dicaprio blocked Raveeeen.*

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