Chaos and Questions

106 3 2

*LC Created "CDAW" Group*

LC: Yo
LLizard: What's up with the name?
Tturtle: Yeah.
LC: It stands for " Chaos, Drama and Weirdness"
Ravo_Kaven: Really?!
Little_leo: since when did you change your name.
Ravo_Kaven: Since Now
LLizard: Why did you just Pin her in this?
Ravo_Kaven: @LK
Ravo_Kaven: @LK
Ravo_Kaven: @LK
TTurtle: Umm, What are you doing.
Ravo_Kaven: @LK
Ravo_Kaven: @LK
Lc: @LK
Ravo_Kaven: @LK
LK: What do you two Want!!
LC: Hey Lk
LK: Hi.
TTurtle: What?
LLizard: Better not to Question TT
TTurtle: Yeah, thought so.
LK: was there a reason I Was Tagged in this or not?
LC: I Tagged you in it since you wouldn't respond.
LK: Yeah, Cause i was Busy
Ravo_Kaven: Busy?
LK: O-Okay!
TTurtle: I Question you lot so much-

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