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Prince_MC: Happy Halloween everyone!

Littlest_of_the_leos: Thank you, Happy Halloween to you too!

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: I have been working on this and it is my fate.

LC_donttalktome: What the?

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: I'm joking!

Prince_MC: Well, Anyways. Happy Halloween you two.

Teenyturtles: LL changed my username.

Littleylizards: personally, I think it is better.

Ropo_and_the_minevengers: This group chat never gets used unless it is a holiday.

LC_donttalktome: That's true. Besides, Aren't you supposed to be working Rn?

Ropo_and_the_minevengers: Nah, Stark begged cap to give us the day off and Cap eventually agreed.

Jack12345478710: Yeah, Cause i Told Stark to :)

LK_YT: go to bed, all of u

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: no

LK_YT: It wasn't a Question, it was a statement.

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: Make me.

LK_YT: Go to bed, now.

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: No.

LC_DONTTALKTOME: Wow, Top Quality entertainment over here.

LK_YT: don't encourage him. Raven, go to bed.

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: Nooooo.

LK_YT: Can someone help me, please?

Littlest_of_the_leos: Raven, go to bed or else!

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: so I have to go to bed, but everyone else can stay up? How is that fair?

LK_YT: @everyone Go to bed.


Littleylizards: I am now, ok?!

Teenyturtles: I was already.

Ropo_and_the_minevengers: I was too.

Prince_MC: I am.

Scuba_Stephanie: OK.

SharkBoi: on it.

Jack12345478710: Ropo, I am heading to your house.

Ropo_and_the_minevengers: Why?

Jack12345478710: Because I have no bed

Ropo_and_the_minevengers: Where's yours gone?

Jack12345478710: out the window!

Ropo_and_the_minevengers: Well, when you get here, sleep on the sofa.

Jack12345478710: OK.

Princess_MC_Leah: I am too. Going to bed.

Cassie_The_Cat: I am

Donutiamadog: Same.

*Chat goes Quiet*

Raven_NoneofyourBusiness: Goodnight everyone. Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN.


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