Do you Like me? (PT3)

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(This is Part 3 of 3)

Ravo_Kaven: Do you Love me?

LK: ... Um

Ravo_Kaven: ??

LK: Fine. I can't hide it anymore even if I wanted to. I may have some feelings for you...

Ravo_Kaven: and they are?

LK: Romantic ones... But!

Ravo_Kaven: But?

LK: I dont want to rush into things.

Ravo_Kaven: We can take it slow, I don't mind.

LK: it's just... I'm still Quite worried about getting into Romantic relationships after what happened with Jay.

Ravo_Kaven: that's fine. I won't force you into anything. Just for clarification, the thing that Jay did was the lowest of lows. I would never do anything like that. The thing that he did was never okay. I'm just glad that you are safe.

LK: thank you, that's really nice of you to say.

*Carlito_Carly took a screenshot*

Carlito_Carly: OMG this is SO cute!!

LK: Carly stop fangirling!

Carlito_Carly: Sorry lol :)

Leonardo_Dicaprio: I think we all knew this would happen. I'm glad that you guys talked about it and that the truth came out.

LK: it would've came out eventually.

Carlito_Carly: it's so sweet. You guys are made for eachother. I can't wait for you to get home Kelly!

LK: I can't wait to come home either. I feel like I've been on this plane for a decade :(

Ravo_Kaven: How long have you been on it for?

LK: 5 hours.

Ravo_Kaven: 12 more to go! You can do it.

LK: thanks raven :)

Ravo_Kaven: ill be of any support :)

*Carlito_Carly took a screenshot*
*Leonardo_Dicaprio took a screenshot*

Carlito_Carly: I'm going to go to Bed. Have fun everyone.

Leonardo_Dicaprio: I'm going to bed too. Night everyone.

*Carlito_Carly went offline*
*Leonardo_Dicaprio went offline*

Ravo_Kaven: and then there were two.

LK: =)

Ravo_Kaven: You should really get some sleep, Kel.

LK: I'll try =<

Ravo_Kaven: You'll be fine. If you need me, call me. K?


Ravo_Kaven: Goodnight Kelly ❤️

LK: oh raven -_-. Goodnight

*Ravo_Kaven went offline*
*LK went offline*

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