Carly and Kelly

106 4 2

(At 3AM)

Little_Kelly: Little carly Help!
Littlecarly: What's up?
Little_kelly: Wait a second-
Littlecarly: what?
Little_Kelly: what are you doing up at three.
Littlecarly: Kelly, Uno Reverse.
Little_Kelly: I'm up cause raven Keeps sending me things that really concern me.
Littlecarly: Like?
Little_Kelly: a video of him drinking HAND SANITIZER on TOP of a TREE!
Littlecarly: oh yeah, you think that's bad? Have you seen the random picture of a guy In his nerf gun shooting Range?!
Little_Kelly: Have you seen him Drunk?!
Littlecarly: No....?
*Silence over Text*
Littlecarly: Have you.....?
*Another silence over text*
Little_Kelly: Maybe.... But! I answered why I was up at three now you need too.
Littlecarly: Nah, let's get to the juicy stuff. When was he drunk?
Little_Kelly: ........
Littlecarly: ?????
Little_Kelly: Last night... 😬
Littlecarly: What did he do?
Little_Kelly: He tried to eat An apple but got bored and chucked it up onto the ceiling, He Grabbed his nerf gun and missed all of the targets, and climbed a tree just to call himself Batman -_-
Littlecarly: oop...
Little_Kelly: Yeah....

*A/N: Totally not trying to figure out what to write next....*

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