~ Chapter Four ~

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Martin's point of view:

Egypt, my God! Never in my life did I think something like this was going to happen to me. Not that it would be happening anytime soon, I still had to get better. But after three whole days of thinking about, I had finally come to a decision. Not to mention my body no longer ached in agonizing pain and I was able to walk successfully. I really owed a lot to Juliet and Lawrence. They had done everything for me when they should have left me outside to die. All of us must be thankful for saints like Lawrence and Juliet.

"Juliet, mister Rennoll?" I asked as I found both of them in the study, going over a map for some reason. Lawrence was either looking at a map, a globe or reading a book. That man was quite the enigma. Eccentric and optimistic, happy about everything and excited for what life gave him. It was difficult to find people like that.

"Please, Martin, call me Lawrence," he replied. I chuckled and nodded as I hung my shoulder against the doorway of the study.

"Nevertheless, I've come to a decision. I would like to go to Egypt with you," I replied. Lawrence stood from his chair and smiled excitedly. He walked over to me, and Juliet remained in her seat with a kind grin. She was composed, unlike her father who was all over the place. I had a feeling she was the same as Lawrence, but just held herself with more restraint. Perhaps she even felt embarrassed of her adventurous and studious nature? I couldn't know. She and I didn't speak as much as I would have liked to. She was busy with her father and I was in bed until yesterday evening.

"This is fantastic news, Martin! Juliet, my dear, we have a new member to our little team of adventurers!" Lawrence exclaimed. Juliet chuckled and watched as Lawrence tapped my shoulders very appreciatively. He was so lively for his age of forty-five. I supposed that wasn't all that old. My father was seven years older.

"Happy to be of service. When do we leave?" I asked. Lawrence didn't really plan the trip. He informed me that one morning he was reading a book of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and he was motivated to visit. He said he had asked Juliet to pick the destination at first, but then he decided on Egypt. She didn't seem to mind, I think she would have been happy travelling anywhere or even staying home.

"I'm not sure yet but soon. I would say in the spring, since the weather will be at its peak. Not too warm and not too cold," he replied.

"Father, Egypt is warm all year," Juliet chimed in with a laugh. Lawrence then chuckled and waved it off.

"You know what I mean. I'm assuming April or March will be the time we leave. This'll be a few months from now, and you are welcome to stay with us during this time. You may as well be living here anyway," Lawrence replied. I was thankful for him letting me stay here more than anything. I was forever in his debt. Going to Egypt with him was the least I could do. Plus it was barely a favour.

"Please know I'll be ever in your debt for letting me stay here," I replied. He chuckled and nodded, although it was as if he didn't care that I was here.

"Please don't worry yourself over it. I've been impressed with you. You're quite a wonderful guest," he replied. I let out a laugh and then my eyes travelled to Juliet still sitting at the table. My God in heaven was she ever captivating! All I was ever distracted by in this house was her, even though the household did not lack in stimuli by any means.

"I'm going to the foyer. Would anyone care to join me?" Juliet asked as she left the table. Lawrence and I spoke for a little longer, but then he excused himself to keep on with his mapping. I left to the foyer to see what Juliet was doing. What she was up to was looking at the books on her giant bookcases. I noticed the many pictures of different people. I assumed these people were her family.

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