~ Chapter Nine ~

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Juliet's point of view:
April, 1941:

"Father, the car is ready," I said as all of us finished loading the bags into the two cars we had. I was wearing my travelling outfit that made me feel overly warm in the mid-spring sun. My hat covered my face from the heat but I could still feel it. I needed to get in the car before I burned. My skin never ever tanned, I was just too pale.

"Yes, my dear I'm on my way. Martin, I would love it if you gave me a hand with these books?" My father asked. He was holding at least ten books in his hand, wobbling away as he tried to retain his balance while holding all of the objects. Martin was standing beside me but quickly went to my father to help him with the books. He grabbed about the same amount and carried them down. They placed them in the back of the car instead of the trunk. My father loved his books more than he loved his house, he never placed them in a compartment that he couldn't keep completely attended.

"Never leave books where you can't see them. You never want your life's work destroyed. Thank you, Martin," he said. Martin nodded and chuckled as he shut the back door.

"We should be leaving. The Americans are ready," I cut in. My father nodded and jumped in the passenger seat of the car. Martin and I hopped in the back, the many books piled up divided us. I wished I could have held his hand, but we had time to do that when we were on the ship that would sail us to Egypt.

"I've never been more anticipated. How do you two feel?" Father asked as we drove down to the docks. The driver was always silent. I remembered I used to wonder what he was thinking when we were having conversations about whatever it was.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to reach it. Say, we land in Cairo?" I asked. Father nodded.

"Absolutely. Martin, how do you feel my boy?" He asked. Martin had been given that pet name about a month ago and my father had not stopped calling him that. My father really liked Martin, admired him even. It was nice that my father and my boyfriend were able to have some a camaraderie towards each other. I didn't know what I would do if they didn't get along. Then again, Martin wouldn't even be here if they weren't friendly. It was odd to think my father's liking to Martin was a major reason he and I were even together and he even lived with us. That was almost transcendent to me.

"Overwhelmed in the best way possible. I sincerely hope this trip is a successful one," Martin replied. Lawrence laughed and nodded in agreement. I loved the aura my father gave off. It was so happy and positive.

"Quite right, my boy," he replied.

We found our way to the docks and to the ship that would take us to Egypt. I followed behind my father and Martin behind me as we stepped up to the ship to present our tickets to the vendor. He stamped them for approval and we all found our way to our department. My father had taken it upon himself to buy first class tickets since the ride would be a few days long. The Americans did little protesting although I said it was rather unnecessary seeing as second class would have been adequate as well. But he refused to give us less than the best, so my arguments may have been null for the most part.

"My, ain't this a nice little ship," Brand said as him, Eli and King made their way up to the boat with us. All of them were pretty fascinated by it. Martin, my father and I were a little less amazed, seeing as all three of us had been on a nice ship before. I've been on boats like this countless times. Whether it be to travel somewhere or just owned by one of my father's wealthy friends.

"I heard there's some Russians on the boat," Eli stated. My father dealt with Russians about a decade age when they asked the universities fund each other as a financial truce. My father had also invested in something or other up in Russia with a prestigious family and it made him quite an amount of money in the end. My father had nothing but good things to say about Russia and its people, needless to say. He didn't even bother with the politics of Joseph Stalin whom had posed perplexing to my father.

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