~ Chapter Five ~

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Juliet's point of view:

"How are you enjoying the party?" I asked Martin as we stood by the wall, drinking glasses of champagne together. I had spent most of my time socializing with the girls of the party, asking them how they were and congratulating them on whatever news they had. Whether it be getting married, getting engaged, having a child, buying a new house. It was all pretty tedious conversation that I barely had to listen to. I decided going to see Martin for a while would break me away from all the boredom of the other ladies here. Not that they were unkind, but they were terribly tiresome to listen to.

"Not terrible, actually. Although I would love to dance. Would you care to join me?" He asked. I hadn't expected for him to ask me to dance. Just then it reminded me of when I was in Brighton and I went dancing with that man while Miri and Elizabeth watched from the bar. This wouldn't be the same, seeing as the music had a slower tempo and it was with Martin. Everything I did with Martin felt totally unique to me. But it was exhiliarating nonetheless, to have his attention and to be able to talk with him like we had been friends for years.

"I would love to," I replied. He took my hand and led me onto the floor, taking my waist in his hand as we prepared for a waltz. They swayed around the room, holding their gazes at each other as they danced. And as he dipped me down our faces bounced a little closer to each other. Then he quickly lifted me back up and twirled me around in three parts. His hand swiftly brought itself to the small of my back as his other held my hand in the air, we swayed around the room like royalty when they would dance back hundreds of years ago. I felt as if dark stars sparkled over me as he moved me around the dance floor. It was such a giddy and euphoric feeling to experience, it was unlike any dance I had ever had with anyone before. His hand wandered to my cheek and it rested there as we stepped in a circle in unison. After that, the song had come to a conclusion.

"You dance very well," he said to me. I did my best not to blush as I thanked him. In reality, he was the dancer out of the two of us. He was the one who did those spins and dips, I was just there to be utilized for it. But it was nice to have the compliment coming my way.

"You dance better," I replied. Before I knew it, we had found our way outside and onto the lower level balcony of the house. We stood over the railing and stared out ahead of us, watching the moon and the stars sit together in a perfect sync. It was a beautiful starry night that had the perfect weather for a September evening. "Isn't the sky just wonderful?" I sang as we leaned against the stone fence.

"I couldn't agree more. All the moon needs is an ocean to reflect off of it and it's the perfect view," he replied. What a great idea! That way the view would've have been flawless. I've always wanted to see the moon reflect off an ocean in the dark night sky. I bet it was one of the most beautiful things someone could see in the world.

"That would be perfect. I wish I could see that one day," I said. His eyes went to me, and I turned my head when I felt his gaze on me.

"You've never seen one? I thought you had travelled?" He asked. I nodded and chuckled as I looked to the ground.

"I have. But of all the ocean I've seen in my lifetime, never have I seen a moon reflect off of it. Strange isn't it? That such a simple thing has neglected to be seen," I replied. Martin shrugged and smiled. He dipped himself down and picked a flower that sat on the ground below us. It was a little daisy, nothing special about it. But it was the only one I had seen for at least a month. Martin twirled it between his thumb and index finger as he examined it. I watched it as he did this, waiting for him to explain why he grabbed the flower.

"I believe you're like this flower. Some may think it'll never see the light of the next day, however it remains the last of its kind alive until spring comes along. You'll see the moon off the ocean, and be a unique little flower while doing it. And I'll be the one to guide you through until the spring comes along," he said to me. Never in my life had I heard a man speak so poetically. It was such an eloquent thing to hear. For Martin, it was like hearing a totally different and strange dialect to me. I was used to the English accent, but he was different. He was German, and I liked the change of it all. Hearing him talk about that simple, unimportant flower and make it beautiful and unique was something one didn't see or hear every day. It only made me more interested in him.

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