Part 1

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My name is Amelia and when I turned 18 I ran away from home. I packed all my things into mybag and moved into my friend's house. I knew that I had to find a job in order to help pay for thingsbut people don't hire anyone really without a college degree. I decided to roam the internet may be just something. I came across a website where people would sell themselves for money. Pretty much have sex get your brains f----d for some cash. I had 2 days to come up with my part of the rent so I figured why not give it a shot. I created a profile but with a fake name and submitted it.

I was technically a virgin. I had only made out with a guy, given blow jobs, and had jobs but never had a c--k inside of me. It wasn't within 5 minutes I got several hits and messages from guys wanting to meet with me tonight or asap if possible. Looking through all the profiles all of them looked like creepers or just got a bad feeling about it. I just moved on to the next one. Within 10 minutes I came across a guy who only had pictures of his body. The only one of his face was dark.

He messaged me asking how my day was going? The rest just asked when can we meet or can If--k you tonight? He actually asked how I was doing. I replied back saying not that bad could bebetter. It wasn't within a minute he was writing me back telling me he was sorry that I was having abad day etc etc. We continued to talk for 2 hours about our lives and how old we were etc. He didn'tget into the whole sex talk but I knew it would come up. He finally asked why I was on this website.I just sighed and said I need the money honestly. He said he was sorry that he knows how I feelhe had been in the same boat once in his life. I decided to tell him I was a virgin before anythingelse went further. He said it was alright he would be gentle and walk me through anything andeverything he was going to do to me or what I wanted to do to him. I finally agreed to meet him. It was almost midnight and he said he was in town on business that he visits here often that he was at a hotel. He gave me the hotel name address and what room number he was in. He said hewould understand if I didn't show up but would hope I would. I got off the computer and went to my closet pulled out a short black skirt and red tank top and thigh-high boots put them on. And just sighed I was going to do this I needed to do this. I walked outside got in my car, put the address in my GPS, and went. I pulled up into the parking lot feeling my heart race faster than it ever has.But I swallowed s----d up and went inside. I got in the elevator pressed the number to the 4thfloor. Got out and walked down the hallway to room 437. I stood in front of it getting the courageenough to knock. I reached up and knocked. Hearing footsteps walking up to the door hearing itbeing unlocked and slowly being open. I looked up at this tall dark-haired man. Wearing onlypajama pants. Deep green eyes. Muscular and very attractive. "I am glad you showed up," he saidwalking backward opening the door all the way letting me walk in. I just sighed walked in as heshut the door behind me and locked it

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